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Create Product_Copier tests
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MyApaulogies committed Jun 15, 2024
1 parent 4c34ebf commit 1928033
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Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,26 @@

with AUnit.Assertions; use AUnit.Assertions;
with Basic_Assertions; use Basic_Assertions;
with Component.Product_Copier;
with Ada.Assertions;
with Interfaces;

package body Product_Copier_Tests.Implementation is

-- Fixtures:
use Component.Product_Copier;

Init_Products : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [
(Source_Id => 1, Destination_Id => 1),
(Source_Id => 2, Destination_Id => 2),
(Source_Id => 3, Destination_Id => 3),
(Source_Id => 4, Destination_Id => 4),
(Source_Id => 5, Destination_Id => 5),
(Source_Id => 100, Destination_Id => 6)

overriding procedure Set_Up_Test (Self : in out Instance) is
Expand All @@ -19,7 +33,7 @@ package body Product_Copier_Tests.Implementation is

-- TODO Call component init here.
-- Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (Products_To_Copy => TBD, Send_Event_On_Source_Id_Out_Of_Range => TBD, Send_Event_On_Source_Not_Available => TBD);
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (Products_To_Copy => Init_Products'Access);

-- Call the component set up method that the assembly would normally call.
Expand All @@ -40,37 +54,307 @@ package body Product_Copier_Tests.Implementation is
-- Tests:

No_Conflict_Products_1 : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [];
No_Conflict_Products_2 : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [
(Source_Id => 1, Destination_Id => 1)
No_Conflict_Products_3 : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [
(Source_Id => 2, Destination_Id => 0),
(Source_Id => 0, Destination_Id => 1),
(Source_Id => 0, Destination_Id => 2),
(Source_Id => 3, Destination_Id => 3)
No_Conflict_Products_4 : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [
(Source_Id => 0, Destination_Id => 0),
(Source_Id => 0, Destination_Id => 1),
(Source_Id => 0, Destination_Id => 2),
(Source_Id => 0, Destination_Id => 3),
(Source_Id => 0, Destination_Id => 4)

Conflict_Products_1 : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [
(Source_Id => 0, Destination_Id => 0),
(Source_Id => 0, Destination_Id => 1),
(Source_Id => 0, Destination_Id => 2),
(Source_Id => 0, Destination_Id => 0)
Conflict_Products_2 : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [
(Source_Id => 1, Destination_Id => 1),
(Source_Id => 3, Destination_Id => 1)

-- Tests whether two conflicting destinations raise an error.
overriding procedure Test_Dest_Conflict (Self : in out Instance) is
-- TODO declarations
-- TODO replace the following with actual test code.
Assert (False, "Test 'Test_Dest_Conflict' is unimplemented.");
-- TODO is Init'ing many times / after Set_Up_Test okay?

-- these should not raise an assertion error
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (Products_To_Copy => No_Conflict_Products_1'Access);
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (Products_To_Copy => No_Conflict_Products_2'Access);
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (Products_To_Copy => No_Conflict_Products_3'Access);
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (Products_To_Copy => No_Conflict_Products_4'Access);

-- these should raise an assertion error
declare -- TODO named declare?
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (Products_To_Copy => Conflict_Products_1'Access);
-- this should be unreachable
Assert (False, "Conflicting destinations, but did not raise error");
-- this is what gets raised by `pragma Assert (...)`
when Ada.Assertions.Assertion_Error =>

Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (Products_To_Copy => Conflict_Products_2'Access);
-- this should be unreachable
Assert (False, "Conflicting destinations, but did not raise error");
when Ada.Assertions.Assertion_Error =>
end Test_Dest_Conflict;

Non_Error_Products : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [(Source_Id => 1, Destination_Id => 1)];

-- Tests the fetch and send operations caused by a tick.
overriding procedure Test_Nominal_Tick (Self : in out Instance) is
-- TODO declarations
use Interfaces;
-- TODO replace the following with actual test code.
Assert (False, "Test 'Test_Nominal_Tick' is unimplemented.");
-- see the reciprocal component
-- fetching source id 1 always results in success
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (Products_To_Copy => Non_Error_Products'Access);

Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (0, 0), Count => 0));

-- data_product_fetch_t_request should have been invoked
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_Fetch_T_Service_History.Get_Count, 1);

-- data_product_t_send should have been invoked
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count, 1);

-- no events should have been sent
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Source_Not_Available_History.Get_Count, 0);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Source_Id_Out_Of_Range_History.Get_Count, 0);

-- send 5 more ticks
for I in 1 .. 5 loop
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (Unsigned_32 (I), 0), Count => Unsigned_32 (I)));
end loop;

-- same checks, plus 5
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_Fetch_T_Service_History.Get_Count, 6);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count, 6);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Source_Not_Available_History.Get_Count, 0);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Source_Id_Out_Of_Range_History.Get_Count, 0);

-- check contents of successful copies
Previous_Id : Integer := -1;
Int_Id : Integer;
for I in 1 .. Self.Tester.Data_Product_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count loop
Int_Id := Integer (
Self.Tester.Data_Product_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get (Natural (I)).Header.Id
Assert (
Int_Id mod 10 = 1,
"Tick copied the incorrect Data_Product at position " & I'Image & ". (Possibly an error in the reciprocal component.)"
-- we care about the order across multiple ticks
Assert (
Previous_Id < Int_Id,
"Tick copied incorrect data products -- IDs should be in ascending order per the reciprocal tester component."
Previous_Id := Int_Id;
end loop;

end Test_Nominal_Tick;

-- do not change numbers/order; see body of Test_Fetch_Fail_Behavior
-- TODO make more descriptive names, i.e. One_Failing_Product
Fetch_Fail_Products_1 : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [
(Source_Id => 2, Destination_Id => 2)
Fetch_Fail_Products_2 : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [
(Source_Id => 5, Destination_Id => 5),
(Source_Id => 1, Destination_Id => 1),
(Source_Id => 4, Destination_Id => 4),
(Source_Id => 2, Destination_Id => 2),
(Source_Id => 3, Destination_Id => 3)

-- Tests that no data products are sent to the destination when a fetch fails.
overriding procedure Test_Fetch_Fail_Behavior (Self : in out Instance) is
-- TODO declarations
-- TODO replace the following with actual test code.
Assert (False, "Test 'Test_Fetch_Fail_Behavior' is unimplemented.");
-- see reciprocal component for which values of Source_Id cause errors
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (Products_To_Copy => Fetch_Fail_Products_1'Access);

-- send tick with bad Source_Id
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (0, 0), Count => 0));
-- fetch, but no send
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_Fetch_T_Service_History.Get_Count, 1);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count, 0);

Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (1, 0), Count => 1));
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (2, 0), Count => 2));
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (3, 0), Count => 3));
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (4, 0), Count => 4));

Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_Fetch_T_Service_History.Get_Count, 5);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count, 0);

-- should work with variety of ids
-- note new init
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (Products_To_Copy => Fetch_Fail_Products_2'Access);

Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (5, 0), Count => 5)); -- S,F,F,S,S

Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_Fetch_T_Service_History.Get_Count, 10);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count, 3);

Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (6, 0), Count => 6)); -- S,F,F,S,F

Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_Fetch_T_Service_History.Get_Count, 15);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count, 5);

Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (7, 0), Count => 7)); -- S,F,S,S,S

Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_Fetch_T_Service_History.Get_Count, 20);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count, 9);

Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (8, 0), Count => 8)); -- S,F,S,S,F

Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_Fetch_T_Service_History.Get_Count, 25);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Data_Product_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count, 12);

-- test that the 12 products are: 5 1 4 1 4 5 1 4 3 1 4 3
-- TODO do we care about the order within ticks?
Check_Product_Ids : declare
Counts : array (1 .. 5) of Natural := (others => 0);
Id : Natural;
Mod_Id : Natural;
for I in 1 .. Self.Tester.Data_Product_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count loop
Id := Natural (
Self.Tester.Data_Product_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get (Natural (I)).Header.Id
Mod_Id := Id mod 10;
-- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Mod_Id'Image);
-- TODO convert Count_X's to array, match Mod_Id with 1-5 and increment counts
case Mod_Id is
when Counts'Range =>
Counts (Mod_Id) := @ + 1;
when others =>
Assert (False, "Unexpected ID found");
end case;
end loop;
Natural_Assert.Eq (Counts (1), 4);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Counts (2), 0);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Counts (3), 2);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Counts (4), 4);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Counts (5), 2);
end Check_Product_Ids;

end Test_Fetch_Fail_Behavior;

-- these three values of Source_Id will result in success, not available, and ID out of range respectively
Every_Error_Products : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [
(Source_Id => 1, Destination_Id => 1),
(Source_Id => 2, Destination_Id => 2),
(Source_Id => 99, Destination_Id => 3)
Out_Of_Range_Products : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [
(Source_Id => 1, Destination_Id => 1),
(Source_Id => 99, Destination_Id => 3)
Not_Available_Products : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [
(Source_Id => 1, Destination_Id => 1),
(Source_Id => 2, Destination_Id => 2)
Okay_Products : aliased Product_Copy_Array := [
(Source_Id => 1, Destination_Id => 1)
-- Makes sure an event is raised when a fetch operation fails and the
-- corresponding init flag is set.
overriding procedure Test_Fetch_Fail_Event (Self : in out Instance) is
-- TODO declarations
-- TODO replace the following with actual test code.
Assert (False, "Test 'Test_Fetch_Fail_Event' is unimplemented.");
-- all events turned off
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (
Products_To_Copy => Every_Error_Products'Access,
Send_Event_On_Source_Id_Out_Of_Range => False,
Send_Event_On_Source_Not_Available => False
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (0, 0), Count => 0));
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Event_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count, 0);

-- relevant events turned off
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (
Products_To_Copy => Not_Available_Products'Access,
Send_Event_On_Source_Id_Out_Of_Range => True,
Send_Event_On_Source_Not_Available => False
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (0, 0), Count => 0));
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Event_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count, 0);

Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (
Products_To_Copy => Out_Of_Range_Products'Access,
Send_Event_On_Source_Id_Out_Of_Range => False,
Send_Event_On_Source_Not_Available => True
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (0, 0), Count => 0));
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Event_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count, 0);

-- events turned on, but no event should raise
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (
Products_To_Copy => Okay_Products'Access,
Send_Event_On_Source_Id_Out_Of_Range => True,
Send_Event_On_Source_Not_Available => True
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (0, 0), Count => 0));
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Event_T_Recv_Sync_History.Get_Count, 0);

-- now check correct events are raised

-- check not_available events
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (
Products_To_Copy => Not_Available_Products'Access,
Send_Event_On_Source_Id_Out_Of_Range => True,
Send_Event_On_Source_Not_Available => True
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (0, 0), Count => 0));
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (1, 0), Count => 1));
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (2, 0), Count => 2));

Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Source_Not_Available_History.Get_Count, 3);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Source_Id_Out_Of_Range_History.Get_Count, 0);

-- TODO also check specific contents of event?

-- clear history

-- check id_out_of_range events
Self.Tester.Component_Instance.Init (
Products_To_Copy => Out_Of_Range_Products'Access,
Send_Event_On_Source_Id_Out_Of_Range => True,
Send_Event_On_Source_Not_Available => True
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (0, 0), Count => 0));
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (1, 0), Count => 1));
Self.Tester.Tick_T_Send ((Time => (2, 0), Count => 2));

Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Source_Not_Available_History.Get_Count, 0);
Natural_Assert.Eq (Self.Tester.Source_Id_Out_Of_Range_History.Get_Count, 3);

-- clear

end Test_Fetch_Fail_Event;

end Product_Copier_Tests.Implementation;

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