A simple approach to local development for WordPress. Using this tool, you'll get a per-project installation of WordPress using Laravel's Homestead.
NOTE: Homepress can install a VM whether or not you use Wordpress! Look below at the "Other Commands" section.
Have the requirements met below, then simply run:
npm install -g homepress
homepress start
During install, Homestead
will ask if you want to add your new local dev site IP address to your hosts file. Hint: you do.
- Be on OSX or Linux (until someone does a PR for Windows)
- Node.js
- Virtual Box
- Vagrant
- Have an ssh key in your
If you already have node, update it:
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
If you already had composer, update it! composer self-update
Init Everything: homepress start
OR homepress init
Update your WordPress Version: homepress wp-update
Generate new WordPress salts: homepress wp-salts
Install VM Only (because you already have WordPress): homepress vm-init
Start the VM: vagrant up
Stop/Halt the VM: vagrant halt
SSH into the VM: vagrant ssh
If you use a tool like Sequel Pro, you'll want to use these connection settings to connect to Mysql within the VM.
Setup connection details:
- Use an SSH connection (not standard)
- MySQL Host:
- User: homestead
- Password: secret
- Database: homestead
- Port: blank
- SSH Host:**
- SSH User: vagrant
- SSH Key:
(this is your host computer key) - SSH Port: blank
This IP is what you typed in during homepress start
when it asked which IP you want your VM to live at.
To develop and test this locally, simply do this:
git clone https://github.com/lasergoat/homepress.git
cd homepress
npm install
cd ../
mkdir test
cd test
Then, every time you edit a file in homepress, run this command:
cd ../homepress && npm link && cd ../test && homepress start
This will avoid creating vm and WordPress files within the homepress directory