Plots class predictions over peturbations of given image. X and Y axes describe two directions in pixel space.
Inspired by diagram in slide 11 of Nicholas Carlini's talk here:
Using a stock torchvision model trained on ImageNet1k (image resized to 224x224).
random directions:
python --config ./configs/imagenet1k.yaml \
--image_fpath ./demo_images/horse.jpeg \
--true_label 339 \
--grid_size 20 \
--scale_factor 10.0 \
--display_ims true \
--batch_size 32 \
--direction random \
--device mps \
--model_fn torchvision.models.inception.inception_v3 \
--model_fn_kwargs.pretrained true
The example is tied to the ImageNet1k dataset and uses specific labels and transforms listed in configs/imagenet1k.yaml
Using a custom model trained on CIFAR10 (image resized to 32x32):
requires extra dep pip install git+
python --config ./configs/cifar10.yaml \
--image_fpath ./demo_images/horse.jpeg \
--true_label 7 \
--grid_size 20 \
--scale_factor 1.0 \
--display_ims true \
--batch_size 32 \
--direction [random | gradient] \
--device cpu \
--model.class_path lightning_resnet.resnet18.ResNet18 \
--model.safetensors_path PATH/TO/SAFETENSORS \
--model.num_classes 10
This example relies on having weights for a resnet18 model trained on CIFAR10 as per The example image was generated using weights that can be found in the 0.3.0 release of that repo.
The example is also tied to the CIFAR10 dataset and uses specific labels and transforms listed in configs/cifar10.yaml
Note the much lower scale_factor for this example. This gives us smaller peturbations.
- documentation
- further exploration of adversarial directions
install project
pip install -e .
python --help
(see examples above for more info)
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install