Releases: lanec-unifesspa/etoh-withdrawal
Releases · lanec-unifesspa/etoh-withdrawal
Data on NOS-2
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Datapackage: Behavioral effects of ethanol withdrawal on zebrafish
Release of data + code in R Markdown
Datapackage: Behavioral effects of ethanol withdrawal on zebrafish
Datapackage for experimental and meta-analytic data on effects of ethanol withdrawal on zebrafish behavior
-Metanalysis data and code added
-Light/dark test data added
-Catalase activity data added
Datapackage: Behavioral effects of ethanol withdrawal on zebrafish
Datapackage for experimental and meta-analytic data on effects of ethanol withdrawal on zebrafish behavior
-Metanalysis data and code added
-Light/dark test data added
Datapackage: Behavioral effects of ethanol withdrawal on zebrafish
Datapackage for experimental and meta-analytic data on effects of ethanol withdrawal on zebrafish behavior
Datapackage: Behavioral effects of ethanol withdrawal on zebrafish
Datapackage for experimental and meta-analytic data on effects of ethanol withdrawal on zebrafish behavior