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Goku Engine

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[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | 日本語 ]

Goku is a 2D game development application for Rust (in the future integration with 3D games). Written purely in Rust.

It’s available for macOS, Windows and Linux.

Based on SDL2 (currently).

Goku is focused, lightweight and has few dependencies (mostly SDL2). It provides:

  • a window and a main loop

  • 2D graphics and text

  • sounds and music

  • keyboard, mouse, and gamepad input

  • GUI interface for development

  • Pixel character generator using AI

third party libraries which used Goku currently:

  • SDL2

  • nalgebra

  • imgui

  • serde

  • rfd

  • glow

  • webbrowser

How to use


  • A quick overview is located here -> Goku Engine
  • The documentation is located here -> Gitbook
  • A development blog that covers our progress, plans and shiny new features is located here -> News
  • All examples are located here -> Official Examples



Install these through your favourite package management tool, or via

Ubuntu example:

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev

Fedora example:

sudo dnf install SDL2-devel

Arch example: (Arch doesn't have separate regular and development packages, everything goes together.)

sudo pacman -S sdl2

You might also need a C compiler (gcc).

Static linking in Linux

You can choose to link SDL2 statically instead of dynamically with the static-link feature. On Linux, you will need to additionally do one of the following:

  • use the bundled feature
  • use the feature use-pkgconfig so that rustc knows where to look for your SDL2 libraries and its dependencies for static linking. This is required because there is no built-in way to find the resources needed to link statically SDL2 from your system
  • install development libraries with [vcpkg][vcpkg]. Instructions to generate a static binary on Linux and other operating systems using vcpkg are [here][cargo-vcpkg-usage]



On macOS, it's a good idea to install these via [homebrew][homebrew].

brew install sdl2

In recent versions of Homebrew, the installed libraries are usually linked into $(brew --prefix)/lib. If you are running an older version, the symlink for SDL might reside in /usr/local/lib.

To make linking libraries installed by Homebrew easier, do the following for your respective shell.

Add this line to your ~/.zshenv or ~/.bash_profile depending on whether you use ZSH or Bash.

export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:$(brew --prefix)/lib"

Windows (MSVC)

  1. Download MSVC development libraries from (

  2. Unpack to a folder of your choosing (You can delete it afterwards).

  3. Copy all lib files from


    to (for Rust 1.6 and above)

    C:\Program Files\Rust\lib\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib

    or to (for Rust versions 1.5 and below)

    C:\Program Files\Rust\bin\rustlib\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib

    or to your library folder of choice, and ensure you have a system environment variable of

    LIB = C:\your\rust\library\folder

    For Rustup users, this folder will be in

    C:\Users\{Your Username}\.rustup\toolchains\{current toolchain}\lib\rustlib\{current toolchain}\lib

Where current toolchain is likely stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.

  1. Copy SDL2.dll from


    into your cargo project, right next to your Cargo.toml.

  2. When you're shipping your game make sure to copy SDL2.dll to the same directory that your compiled exe is in, otherwise the game won't launch.

Static linking with MSVC

The MSVC development libraries provided by don't include a static library. This means that if you want to use the static-link feature with the windows-msvc toolchain, you have to do one of

  • build an SDL2 static library yourself and copy it to your toolchain's lib directory; or
  • also enable the bundled feature, which will build a static library for you; or
  • use a static SDL2 library from vcpkg as described below.

Pixel Character Generator Setup

For the new feature pixel character generator make sure that Python 3 and PyTorch is installed. Currently the AI is written in Python however there is a plan to rewrite it in Rust by using tch-rs.

How to install PyTorch

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio

For more information chack out here

How to set up PyO3

PyO3 uses a build script (backed by the pyo3-build-config crate) to determine the Python version and set the correct linker arguments. By default it will attempt to use the following in order:

  • Any active Python virtualenv.
  • The python executable (if it's a Python 3 interpreter).
  • The python3 executable.

You can override the Python interpreter by setting the PYO3_PYTHON environment variable, e.g. PYO3_PYTHON=python3.6, PYO3_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.9, or even a PyPy interpreter PYO3_PYTHON=pypy3.

Sometimes PyO3 can give an error with linking Python libs for this case environment variable can be used:

For Windows:

$env:LIB += ";<location_of_python_lib>"


export LIB=$LIB:/location_of_python_lib


  • Graphics:

    • a window and a main loop

    • 2D graphics and text

      • Button
      • Slider
      • Checkbox
      • TextBox
      • Fonts (only ttf format)
      • Particle system (sparks)
      • Parallax background
    • GUI interface for development

      • built-in Text Editor
      • Debug Console
    • Multiple image file formats: JPG and PNG

    • Lighting:

      • Point Light
      • Spot Light
      • Ambient Light Filter
  • Audio

    • Play
    • Loop
    • Pause
    • Resume
    • Multiple audio file formats: OGG, MP3, FLAC, MOD
  • Input handler:

    • keyboard, mouse, and gamepad input
  • Math types:

    • Vector2 Vector3, Vector4
    • Matrix33, Matrix34, Matrix43, Matrix44
  • Physics:

    • Collisions
    • Rigid body (currently we don't have a Kinematic rigid body)
  • Scene:

    • Flexible JSON file format: Could describe either a whole scene or individual meshes.
  • Animation

  • AI system:

    • Behaviour Tree
  • Timer

  • Dialogue System

  • Profiler

  • Support VSCode

  • Supports several languages:

    • German
    • Spanish
    • Japanese
    • French
  • Support Platform:

    • Windows / Mac / Linux
    • Web (WASM not integrated fully) (addition references Emscripte / SDL-WASM / Web )
    • Android in the future

How to run

  1. git clone
  2. extract everything
  3. command to run: cargo run

Important!!! Currently GUI is still under the development, I'm trying to combine imgui and sdl2 together but need sometime to make it full compatible. Thus, if someone wants to use it is possible to add component Scene and write there a script. If you know how to combine them will be really great!

How to build for Web

  1. Press Tools
  2. Press Build and choose Web

How to enable Viewport

To enable Viewport go to Preferences -> General -> Enable canvas the same is with Grid View mode

TODO (is prioritised)

  • make finally a separate .rs file instead of one big

  • make a viewport instead of current solution with canvas (probably need a separate window inside of app with combination of sdl2 and OpenGL)

  • combine with wgpu (Example from sdl2 lib and imgui renderer for wgpu-rs)

  • improve physics

  • add/improve UI system (make possible to add image for buttons)

  • improve lights and shadows

  • draw simple shapes (cirlce, rectangle, triangle, etc.)

  • tabs

  • profiler improve

  • add/improve particle system

  • improve engine's GUI as well as text editor (probably instead of built-in text editor make an integration with VSCode or other ide)

  • add blueprints (probably imgui node graph

  • building games for mobiles iOS, Android

  • building games for consoles (PS4-5), Xbox, Nintendo Switch

  • physics material

  • integration with C++ (probably something like a bindgen)


1. Tetris

Example of building tetris game can be found here

2. Roguelike prototype (Prototype)

Example of building roguelike prototype can be found here

3. Visual effects

  1. Sparks -> use a function spawn_particles_sparks from here
  2. Fire -> use a function spawn_particles_fires from here
  3. Rain -> use a function spawn_particles_rain from here

4. Side scrolling game

Example of building sie scrolling prototype can be found here

5. Platformer

Example of building platformer prototype can be found here

6. Set simple states for enemy(chasing/following)

Example of building platformer prototype can be found here

Japanese ver.

Japenese version can be found here

French ver.

French version can be found here

German ver.

German version can be found here

Spanish ver.

Spanish version can be found here

How to Contribute

Submitting Issues

Use the Issue Tracker to submit bug reports and feature/enhancement requests. Before submitting a new issue, ensure that there is no similar open issue.

Manual Testing

Anyone manually testing the code and reporting bugs or suggestions for enhancements in the Issue Tracker are very welcome!

Submitting Pull Requests

Patches/fixes are accepted in form of pull requests (PRs). Make sure the issue the pull request addresses is open in the Issue Tracker.

Submitted pull request is deemed to have agreed to publish under Apache 2.0 License.



GitHub Discussion


Goku is licensed under Apache license version 2.0. See LICENSE file.