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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 21, 2024. It is now read-only.


Torf edited this page Feb 5, 2014 · 1 revision


Install Python 2.7.x

To check if Python is already installed, open a command prompt and type python -V.

The easiest way to install Python in Windows is to use the ActivePython installer. You can download the Windows Installer (MSI) in website, choose the right installer according to your Windows version (32 bits or 64 bits). Be careful to choose the Python version 2.7.5.

Start the Windows Installer and follow the instructions.

Install Git

You can avoid this part is you want to use GitHub program instead of Git. For GitHub usage, refer to GitHub Help.

To check if Git is already installed, open a command prompt and type "git --version".

Install Git using the Official Windows Installer, follow the instructions, no changes are needed.

Get sources

Open the explorer and go to the folder where you want to install XDM. Then Shift + Right click in the folder, and choose "Open Command Window Here".

Type git clone

Start XDM

Open the explorer and go in the XDM folder (same folder of "") then Shift + Right click in the folder, then choose "Open Command Window Here".

Type python

Clone this wiki locally