Implementation of a MJPEG webserver for is cameras in nodejs to show how to build nodejs applications for the is architecture.
$ npm install . # install dependencies
$ export IS_URI="amqp:includeIP and Port" # export the value for IS_URI
$ node server.js # run the server
$ xdg-open 'http://localhost:3000/0?fps=10&color=gray' # open in browser
You can easily record a video from a camera using the utility ffmpeg. If you are using Ubuntu, install it running:
$ sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg
To make a video with 10 seconds of duration, execute the command that the STREAMING_URI is the same as used in browser:
$ ffmpeg -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 -f mjpeg -i "STREAMING_URI" -t 10 -c copy -y output.mp4
Otherwise, if you want record until a key press event, run the command below and then press q to exit.
$ ffmpeg -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 -f mjpeg -i "STREAMING_URI" -c copy -y output.mp4