The purpose of this exercise is to show how important tests are when there a lot of small business rules. Just like in the real world. The exercises goes as follows:
The government is issuing corona money to healthcareworkers The actual premium has not been decided yet For doctors, the rules are as following:
- Less than 10-year experience: x1,5
- More than 10 or equal: x2
- More than 20 or equal: x3
- Never more than: 1000 (throw an error)
For nurses:
- Less than 10-year experience: x1,2
- More than 10 or equal: x1,3
- More than 15 or equal: x1,5
- More than 20 or equal: x1,7
- Never more than: 500 (throw an error)
- Any other profession should not get a premium (but no error should be thrown)
profession: "nurse" | "doctor" | "therapist" | "psychologist" ,
experience: 11
The base could be any number but test for the following number: 200, 300, 500