Tools for online judge services. Downloading sample cases, Testing/Submitting your code, and various utilities.
- Download sample cases
- AtCoder
- yukicoder
- Anarchy Golf
- Codeforces
- HackerRank
- Aizu Online Judge
- CS Academy
- PKU JudgeOnline
- Kattis
- Toph (Problem Archive)
- Download system test cases
- yukicoder
- Aizu Online Judge
- Login
- AtCoder
- yukicoder (via or session token)
- Codeforces
- HackerRank
- Topcoder
- Toph
- Submit your solution
- AtCoder
- yukicoder
- Codeforces
- HackerRank
- Topcoder (Marathon Match)
- Toph (Problem Archive)
- Generate scanner for input (experimental)
- AtCoder
- yukicoder
- Test your solution
- Test your solution for reactive problem
- Generate output files from input and reference implementation
- Split an input file with many cases to files
- Print the code statistics used in Anarchy Golf
from PyPI:
$ pip3 install online-judge-tools
$ pip3 install requests
$ pip3 install lxml
$ pip3 install beautifulsoup4
$ pip3 install colorama
$ pip3 install sympy
$ git clone
$ cat <<EOF > ~/bin/oj
exec $PWD/online-judge-tools/oj "\$@"
$ chmod +x ~/bin/oj
It requires Python 3.5 or later now
$ oj [download,login] URL
$ oj submit URL FILE [-l LANGUAGE]
$ oj test [-c COMMAND] [TEST...]
For details, see --help
$ oj download
[+] problem recognized: <onlinejudge.atcoder.AtCoder object at 0x7f2925a5df60>
[x] GET:
[+] 200 OK
[*] sample 0
[x] input: 入力例 1
1 3 1 2
[+] saved to: test/
[x] output: 出力例 1
[+] saved to: test/sample-1.out
[*] sample 1
[x] input: 入力例 2
100 1 2 3 14 15 58 58 58 29
[+] saved to: test/
[x] output: 出力例 2
[+] saved to: test/sample-2.out
[*] sample 2
[x] input: Sample Input 1
1 3 1 2
[+] saved to: test/
[x] output: Sample Output 1
[+] saved to: test/sample-3.out
[*] sample 3
[x] input: Sample Input 2
100 1 2 3 14 15 58 58 58 29
[+] saved to: test/
[x] output: Sample Output 2
[+] saved to: test/sample-4.out
- I cannot install this tool on my Windows machine. How should I do?
- Use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). If your Windows is too and WSL is not supported, you can use virtual machines, MinGW or Cygwin, but you should buy a new machine.
- Are there features to manage templates or snippets?
- No. They are not the responsibility of this tool. You should use plugins of your editor, like thinca/vim-template or Shougo/deoplete.nvim.
- I usually make one directory per one contest (or, site). Is there a support for this style?
- Yes. You can use
) option. However, I recommend to make one directory per one problem.
- Yes. You can use
- Can I specify problems by their IDs or names, instead of URLs?
- No. I have tried it once, but it is actually not so convenient and only increases the maintenance cost.
- I don't want to give my password to this program.
- You can use this giving only your session tokens. Please see here.
For other questions, use Gitter or other SNSs.
- dj3500/hightail (GUI-based; I have never used)
- nodchip/OnlineJudgeHelper (buggy, not recommended)
not conflicted:
- shivawu/topcoder-greed for Topcoder Single Round Match
- FakePsyho/mmstats for Topcoder Marathon Match
MIT License