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Use Cases

Kyle Corry edited this page Oct 12, 2024 · 39 revisions

Trail Sense

  • Be usable when first opened on a trail without an Internet connection.
  • Provide features to assist in the following activities: hiking, backpacking, camping, geocaching, wilderness survival.


  • Know when it is going to get dark
    • I want to know when the sun will set so I don't get caught in the dark.
    • I want to know when the sun will rise/set so I can plan a trip based on available daylight.
    • I want to know if I can hike at night using the moon as a light source.
  • Stargazing in the wilderness
    • I want to know if there is a meteor shower during my trip so I can watch it.
    • I want to know if there is a solar/lunar eclipse during my trip so I can watch it.
    • I want to know where the sun / moon will be during an eclipse so I can watch it.
  • Celestial navigation
    • I want to navigate using the position of the sun, moon, or stars so I can save battery on my phone.


Tools: Battery, Solar Panel Aligner

  • Save power
    • I want to know how long my phone's battery will last
    • I want to disable features that are drawing power
  • Charge
    • I want to know how long my phone will take to charge
    • I want to align my solar panel for the next couple of hours to charge my devices
    • I want to align my solar panel at my camp for the day to charge my devices

Bubble Level

  • Determine if surfaces are flat
    • I want to determine if the ground is flat for a tent or stove

Cliff Height

  • Determine the height of a drop
    • I want to determine the height of a recess so I can lower something (ex. filling a water bottle from a recessed stream)


  • Determine avalanche risk
    • I want to estimate the avalanche risk of a slope.
  • Measure height and distance
    • I want to measure the height of something such as a tree.
    • I want to measure the distance to something.
  • Measure steepness
    • I want to determine how steep a slope is.


  • Know the actual time
    • I want to get the actual time so I can fix my phone's time.


  • Convert amounts
    • I want to convert between coordinate formats.
    • I want to convert a distance on a sign to a unit I'm more familiar with.
    • I want to convert a temperature on a sign to a unit I'm more familiar with.
    • I want to convert a volume listed on a backpack, bottle, or backpacking meal to a unit I'm more familiar with.
    • I want to convert a weight on a pack scale or of an item to a unit I'm more familiar with.
    • I want to determine what time it will be in a given duration.


  • Use as a flashlight
    • I want to use my phone as a flashlight to light up the trail or see in my tent.
    • I want to use my phone as a reading light for looking at a map at night.
  • Signal for help
    • I want to use my phone to transmit an SOS signal.
    • I want to use my phone to transmit a strobe signal.

Light Meter

  • Determine flashlight usability
    • I want to know if my flashlight can be used for hiking at night.
    • I want to know if my flashlight can be used for camping.

Metal Detector

  • Find a dropped tool
    • I want to find a tool that I dropped under leaves or snow

Mirror Camera

  • See your face / eyes
    • I want to get something (ex. a bug) out of my eye, but don't have a mirror to assist


Tools: Navigation, Beacons, Paths, Maps, Triangulate Location

  • Navigate somewhere
    • I want to navigate to a saved location.
    • I want to know how far away I am from a saved location.
    • I want to navigate using a bearing.
    • I want to know how fast I'm hiking to get a better estimate of how long it will take to get somewhere.
  • Save locations
    • I want to save my location.
    • I want to save a location by entering its coordinates.
    • I want to save a location provided by someone else.
    • I want to add a note to a saved location.
  • Know where I am
    • I want to know my location in multiple coordinate formats.
    • I want to see my altitude.
    • I want to know which way I'm facing.
    • I want to see nearby beacons and paths to better orient myself.
    • I want to determine my location even if I can't get a GPS signal.
  • Share where I am
    • I want to share my location as a link to a map.
    • I want to share my location as plain text.
  • Digitize a printed map
    • I want to take a picture of a printed map or trail sign and see my location, beacons, and paths on it.
    • I want to take a picture of a printed map or trail sign and measure the distance between two points on it.
    • I want to take a picture of a printed map or trail sign and place a beacon at a point on the map.
  • Use a downloaded map image
    • I want to use a map image/PDF I downloaded and see my location, beacons, and paths on it.
    • I want to use a map image/PDF I downloaded and measure the distance between two points on it.
    • I want to use a map image/PDF I downloaded and place a beacon at a point on the map.
  • Retrace my steps
    • I want to retrace my steps to a specific location while hiking.
    • I want to retrace my steps to the last place I had a good cell phone signal while hiking.
  • Follow paths
    • I want to follow a path I created.
    • I want to follow a path someone else created.
    • I want to see how difficult the path will be to follow.
    • I want to see long a path will take to follow.


  • Record notes
    • I want to record some information while on the trail.
    • I want to record and share a trip plan.


  • Measure distance traveled
    • I want to know how far I traveled on my hike
    • I want to know the average pace of my hike
    • I want to know how far I traveled each hour so I can estimate how far I can travel during the rest of the day

Packing Lists

  • Prepare a pack for my trip
    • I want to put together a checklist of items to bring on a trip.
    • I want to bring the same items on my trip as I did on a previous trip.
    • I want to know how much my pack will weigh.
    • I want to share a packing list with someone else.


  • Measure distances on a printed map
    • I want to measure a distance on a printed map using the ratio provided.
    • I want to measure a distance on a printed map using the conversion provided.


  • Know when the tide is high or low
    • I want to know when the tide will be low, so I can know when a trail is passable.
    • I want to estimate when the next low tide will be, given it is currently a high tide and I don't have internet access to retrieve a tide table.
  • Know the height of the tides
    • I want to know what the height of the tide is, so I can know when a trail is passable.
  • Know when the tide is rising
    • I want to know when the tide is rising, so I can determine if it is dangerous to try to cross a trail now.

QR Code Scanner

  • Share data between devices while offline
    • I want to share a location such as that of a campsite, water source, or trail fork.
    • I want to share a note containing information that might be difficult or error-prone to copy verbally, such as a cabin lock combination, reservation number, hiking plan, or instructions.
  • Scan QR codes found on trails
    • I want to scan a QR code containing text found on a trail sign or geocache and read it with my phone.
    • I want to scan a QR code containing a link found on a trail sign or geocache and open it with my phone.

Survival Guide

  • Deal with unplanned survival situations

Water Boil Timer

  • Purify water
    • I want to know how long I should boil water for.


Tools: Weather, Lightning Strike Distance, Temperature Estimation, Clouds

  • Predict inclement weather
    • I want to know if a storm is moving in/out.
    • I want to know how quickly a storm is moving in/out.
    • I want to know if I should expect precipitation.
    • I want to know how far a thunderstorm is and if it is getting closer to me.
    • I want to know if it will be cold at the top of a peak/mountain.


  • Signal for help
    • I want to use my phone to transmit an SOS signal.
    • I want to use my phone to transmit a common whistle code.

White Noise

  • Fall asleep
    • I want to block out noises at night while camping.