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Simplify hiking difficulty formula
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kylecorry31 committed Aug 30, 2023
1 parent 50fd5b2 commit 4301349
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Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ package com.kylecorry.trail_sense.navigation.domain.hiking
import android.util.Log
import com.kylecorry.sol.math.SolMath
import com.kylecorry.sol.math.filters.RDPFilter
import com.kylecorry.sol.math.sumOfFloat
import com.kylecorry.sol.units.Distance
import com.kylecorry.sol.units.DistanceUnits
import com.kylecorry.trail_sense.navigation.paths.domain.PathPoint
import com.kylecorry.trail_sense.shared.extensions.ifDebug
import kotlin.math.abs
Expand All @@ -14,69 +16,52 @@ import kotlin.math.roundToInt
class CustomHikingDifficultyCalculator(private val hikingService: IHikingService) :
HikingDifficultyCalculator {
override fun calculate(points: List<PathPoint>): HikingDifficulty {
val simplified = simplify(points)

// Gain / Loss
val gainLoss = hikingService.getElevationLossGain(simplified)
val loss = gainLoss.first.meters()
val gain = gainLoss.second.meters()
val gainLoss = hikingService.getElevationLossGain(points)
val loss = gainLoss.first.convertTo(DistanceUnits.Feet)
val gain = gainLoss.second.convertTo(DistanceUnits.Feet)

// Distance
val distance = Geology.getPathDistance( { it.coordinate }).meters()
val distance =
Geology.getPathDistance( { it.coordinate }).convertTo(DistanceUnits.Miles)

// Slopes
val slopes = hikingService.getSlopes(simplified).map { it.third }
val maxSlope = slopes.maxByOrNull { it.absoluteValue }?.absoluteValue ?: 0f
val slopes = hikingService.getSlopes(points)

val isOutAndBack = if (gain.distance > 0f) {
abs(gain.distance + loss.distance) / gain.distance < 0.1
} else {
var uphillSteepDistance = 0f
var downhillSteepDistance = 0f

val averageSlopeDistance = if (isOutAndBack){
Distance.meters(distance.distance / 2f)
} else {
slopes.forEach {
if (it.third > 25f) {
uphillSteepDistance += it.first.coordinate.distanceTo(it.second.coordinate)
} else if (it.third < -25f) {
downhillSteepDistance += it.first.coordinate.distanceTo(it.second.coordinate)

val averageUphillSlope = Geology.getSlopeGrade(averageSlopeDistance, gain)
val averageDownhillSlope = Geology.getSlopeGrade(averageSlopeDistance, loss)
// Convert to feet
uphillSteepDistance =
downhillSteepDistance =

// Map each factor between 0 and 1
val factors = listOf(
// A short hike is easier than a long hike
SolMath.norm(distance.distance, 0f, 15000f),
// A steep area can make a hike more difficult
SolMath.norm(maxSlope, 0f, 40f),
// An uphill hike is more difficult than flat
SolMath.norm(averageUphillSlope, 0f, 35f),
// A downhill hike is more difficult than flat, but less than uphill
SolMath.norm(-averageDownhillSlope, 0f, 45f)
).map { (it * 100).roundToInt() }
// Modified Petzoldt energy miles formula - factors in elevation loss and steep sections
val energyMiles =
distance.distance + // Longer distance is harder
gain.distance / 500f - // Uphill is harder
loss.distance / 1000f + // Downhill is a little harder
uphillSteepDistance / 100f + // Steep sections are harder
downhillSteepDistance / 200f // Steep sections are harder

ifDebug {
Log.d("HikingDifficulty", "Factors: $factors")
Log.d("HikingDifficulty", "Energy miles: $energyMiles")

val maxFactor = factors.maxOrNull() ?: 0

return when {
maxFactor < 40 -> HikingDifficulty.Easy
maxFactor < 60 -> HikingDifficulty.Moderate
energyMiles < 5 -> HikingDifficulty.Easy
energyMiles < 10 -> HikingDifficulty.Moderate
else -> HikingDifficulty.Hard

private fun simplify(path: List<PathPoint>): List<PathPoint> {
val epsilon = 4f // Medium
val filter = RDPFilter<PathPoint>(epsilon) { point, start, end ->
return filter.filter(path)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class PathOverviewFragment : BoundFragment<FragmentPathOverviewBinding>() {
private var elevationLoss = Distance.meters(0f)
private var elevationRange: Range<Distance>? = null
private var slopes: List<Triple<PathPoint, PathPoint, Float>> = emptyList()
private var difficulty = HikingDifficulty.Easiest
private var difficulty = HikingDifficulty.Easy

private val pathLayer = PathLayer()
private val waypointLayer = BeaconLayer(8f) {
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