This repository contains a JavaScript-based shopping cart project that demonstrates the implementation of a working shopping cart with key features such as dynamic rendering of products, add to cart functionality, and local storage integration.
Hugh Sinclair GitHub / LinkedIn / [email protected]
Kash Ghanchi GitHub / LinkedIn / [email protected]
Tracey Ngo GitHub / LinkedIn / [email protected]
- Implement a fully functional shopping cart.
- Users can add and remove items dynamically.
- Calculate and display the total price of items in the cart.
- Dynamically render products and cart items to the DOM.
- Ensure seamless user experience with real-time updates.
- Persist cart items to local storage for data retention.
- Retrieve and render saved cart items on page load.
- Utilize an external API to display relevant information to users.
- Enhance user experience with dynamic content from the API.
- Display the current date and time on the webpage.
- Enhance the user interface with real-time information.
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This screenshot showcases our project's Trello board, which we use to manage tasks, track progress, and collaborate in our web development project.
{: width="800" height="auto" }
We used a variety of tools and resources to collaborate, such as:
- GitHub
- Slack
- Zoom
- Visual Studio Code
- Live Share (Visual Studio Code's extension)