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refactoring; control printing nonterminal symbol
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kwanghoon committed Sep 29, 2021
1 parent 8cc2710 commit 06d5386
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Showing 2 changed files with 132 additions and 53 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion app/syntaxcompletion/SyntaxCompletion.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,13 @@ computeCand debug programTextUptoCursor programTextAfterCursor isSimpleMode = (d
{- 3. Lexing the rest and computing candidates with it -}
do (_, _, terminalListAfterCursor) <-
lexingWithLineColumn lexerSpec line column programTextAfterCursor
handleParseError debug maxLevel isSimpleMode terminalListAfterCursor parseError))
(HandleParseError {

`catch` \lexError -> case lexError :: LexError of _ -> handleLexError
176 changes: 124 additions & 52 deletions src/parserlib/CommonParserUtil.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module CommonParserUtil
( LexerSpec(..), ParserSpec(..)
( LexerSpec(..), ParserSpec(..), AutomatonSpec(..), HandleParseError(..)
, lexing, lexingWithLineColumn, parsing, runAutomaton, parsingHaskell, runAutomatonHaskell
, get, getText
, LexError(..), ParseError(..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,7 +202,14 @@ parsingHaskell flag parserSpec terminalList haskellOption = do
putStrLn $ "Delete " ++ hashFile
removeIfExists hashFile
error $ "Error: Empty automation: please rerun"
else do ast <- runAutomatonHaskell flag initState actionTbl gotoTbl prodRules pFunList terminalList haskellOption
else do ast <- runAutomatonHaskell flag
(AutomatonSpec {
am_parseFuns=pFunList })
terminalList haskellOption
-- putStrLn "done." -- It was for the interafce with Java-version RPC calculus interpreter.
return ast

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,24 +324,39 @@ revTakeRhs n (_:nt:stack) = revTakeRhs (n-1) stack ++ [nt]

-- Automaton

data AutomatonSpec token ast =
AutomatonSpec {
am_actionTbl :: ActionTable,
am_gotoTbl :: GotoTable,
am_prodRules :: ProdRules,
am_parseFuns :: ParseFunList token ast,
am_initState :: Int

initState = 0

type ParseFunList token ast = [ParseFun token ast]

runAutomaton flag initState actionTbl gotoTbl prodRules pFunList terminalList =
runAutomatonHaskell flag initState actionTbl gotoTbl prodRules pFunList terminalList Nothing
runAutomaton flag amSpec terminalList =
runAutomatonHaskell flag amSpec {- initState actionTbl gotoTbl prodRules pFunList-} terminalList Nothing

runAutomatonHaskell :: (TokenInterface token, Typeable token, Typeable ast, Show token, Show ast) =>
Bool -> Int ->
{- static part -}
ActionTable -> GotoTable -> ProdRules -> ParseFunList token ast ->
Bool ->
{- static part ActionTable -> GotoTable -> ProdRules -> ParseFunList token ast -> -}
AutomatonSpec token ast ->
{- dynamic part -}
[Terminal token] ->
{- haskell parser specific option -}
Maybe token ->
{- AST -}
IO ast
runAutomatonHaskell flag initState actionTbl gotoTbl prodRules pFunList terminalList haskellOption = do
runAutomatonHaskell flag (rm_spec @ AutomatonSpec {
}) terminalList haskellOption = do
let initStack = push (StkState initState) emptyStack
run terminalList initStack

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,53 +462,63 @@ data Automaton token ast =
gotoTbl :: GotoTable,
prodRules :: ProdRules

data CompCandidates token ast = CompCandidates {
cc_debugFlag :: Bool,
cc_searchMaxLevel :: Int,
cc_simpleOrNested :: Bool,
cc_automaton :: Automaton token ast

:: (TokenInterface token, Typeable token, Typeable ast, Show token, Show ast) =>
Bool -- debug
-> Int -- maximum search depth level
-> Bool -- simple or nested
CompCandidates token ast
-> Int
-> [Candidate]
-> Int
-> Automaton token ast
-> Stack token ast
-> IO [[Candidate]]

compCandidates flag maxLevel isSimple level symbols state automaton stk = do
compGammasDfs flag maxLevel isSimple level symbols state automaton stk []
compCandidates ccOption level symbols state stk = do
compGammasDfs ccOption level symbols state stk []
-- gammas <- compGammasDfs isSimple level symbols state automaton stk []
-- if isSimple
-- then return gammas
-- else return $ tail $ scanl (++) [] (filter (not . null) gammas)

:: (TokenInterface token, Typeable token, Typeable ast, Show token, Show ast) =>
-> Int
-> Bool
CompCandidates token ast
-> Int
-> [Candidate]
-> Int
-> Automaton token ast
-> Stack token ast
-> [(Int, Stack token ast, String)]
-> IO [[Candidate]]

compGammasDfs flag maxLevel isSimple level symbols state automaton stk history =
compGammasDfs ccOption level symbols state stk history =
let flag = cc_debugFlag ccOption
maxLevel = cc_searchMaxLevel ccOption
isSimple = cc_simpleOrNested ccOption
automaton = cc_automaton ccOption

actionTable = actTbl automaton
gotoTable = gotoTbl automaton
productionRules = prodRules automaton
if level > maxLevel then
return (if null symbols then [] else [symbols])
checkCycle flag False level state stk "" history
(\history ->
case nub [prnum | ((s,lookahead),Reduce prnum) <- actTbl automaton, state==s] of
case nub [prnum | ((s,lookahead),Reduce prnum) <- actionTable, state==s] of
[] ->
case nub [(nonterminal,toState) | ((fromState,nonterminal),toState) <- gotoTbl automaton, state==fromState] of
case nub [(nonterminal,toState) | ((fromState,nonterminal),toState) <- gotoTable, state==fromState] of
[] ->
if length [True | ((s,lookahead),Accept) <- actTbl automaton, state==s] >= 1
if length [True | ((s,lookahead),Accept) <- actionTable, state==s] >= 1
then do
return []
else let cand2 = nub [(terminal,snext) | ((s,terminal),Shift snext) <- actTbl automaton, state==s] in
else let cand2 = nub [(terminal,snext) | ((s,terminal),Shift snext) <- actionTable, state==s] in
let len = length cand2 in
case cand2 of
[] -> return []
Expand All @@ -506,7 +538,7 @@ compGammasDfs flag maxLevel isSimple level symbols state automaton stk history =
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "Goto/Shift symbols: " ++ show (symbols++[TerminalSymbol terminal])
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "Stack " ++ prStack stk2
debug flag $ ""
compGammasDfs flag maxLevel isSimple (level+1) (symbols++[TerminalSymbol terminal]) snext automaton stk2 history1) )
compGammasDfs ccOption (level+1) (symbols++[TerminalSymbol terminal]) snext stk2 history1) )
(zip cand2 [1..])
return $ concat listOfList
nontermStateList -> do
Expand All @@ -528,15 +560,15 @@ compGammasDfs flag maxLevel isSimple level symbols state automaton stk history =
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "Stack " ++ prStack stk2
debug flag $ ""

compGammasDfs flag maxLevel isSimple (level+1) (symbols++[NonterminalSymbol nonterminal]) snext automaton stk2 history1) )
compGammasDfs ccOption (level+1) (symbols++[NonterminalSymbol nonterminal]) snext stk2 history1) )
(zip nontermStateList [1..])
return $ concat listOfList

prnumList -> do
let len = length prnumList

debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "# of prNumList to reduce: " ++ show len ++ " at State " ++ show state
debug flag $ prlevel (level+1) ++ show [ (prodRules automaton) !! prnum | prnum <- prnumList ]
debug flag $ prlevel (level+1) ++ show [ productionRules !! prnum | prnum <- prnumList ]

-- let aCandidate = if null symbols then [] else [symbols]
-- if isSimple
Expand All @@ -549,37 +581,49 @@ compGammasDfs flag maxLevel isSimple level symbols state automaton stk history =
(\history1 -> do
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "State " ++ show state ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "/" ++ show len ++ "]"
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "REDUCE" ++ " prod #" ++ show prnum
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ show ((prodRules automaton) !! prnum)
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ show (productionRules !! prnum)
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "Goto/Shift symbols: " ++ show symbols
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "Stack " ++ prStack stk
debug flag $ ""
compGammasDfsForReduce flag maxLevel level isSimple symbols state automaton stk history1 prnum)) )
compGammasDfsForReduce ccOption level symbols state stk history1 prnum)) )
(zip prnumList [1..])
return $ concat listOfList )

compGammasDfsForReduce flag maxLevel level isSimple symbols state automaton stk history prnum =
let prodrule = (prodRules automaton) !! prnum
compGammasDfsForReduce ccOption level symbols state stk history prnum =
let flag = cc_debugFlag ccOption
maxLevel = cc_searchMaxLevel ccOption
isSimple = cc_simpleOrNested ccOption
automaton = cc_automaton ccOption

actionTable = actTbl automaton
gotoTable = gotoTbl automaton
productionRules = prodRules automaton
let prodrule = productionRules !! prnum
lhs = fst prodrule
rhs = snd prodrule

rhsLength = length rhs
if ( {- rhsLength == 0 || -} (rhsLength > length symbols) ) == False
then do
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "[LEN COND: False] length rhs > length symbols: NOT " ++ show rhsLength ++ ">" ++ show (length symbols)
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "[LEN COND: False] length rhs > length symbols: NOT "
++ show rhsLength ++ ">" ++ show (length symbols)
debug flag $ prlevel (level+1) ++ show symbols
debug flag $ prlevel level
return [] -- Todo: (if null symbols then [] else [symbols])
else do
let stk1 = drop (rhsLength*2) stk
let topState = currentState stk1
let toState =
case lookupGotoTable (gotoTbl automaton) topState lhs of
case lookupGotoTable gotoTable topState lhs of
Just state -> state
Nothing -> error $ "[compGammasDfsForReduce] Must not happen: lhs: " ++ lhs ++ " state: " ++ show topState
Nothing -> error $ "[compGammasDfsForReduce] Must not happen: lhs: "
++ lhs ++ " state: " ++ show topState
let stk2 = push (StkNonterminal Nothing lhs) stk1 -- ast
let stk3 = push (StkState toState) stk2
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "GOTO after REDUCE: " ++ show topState ++ " " ++ lhs ++ " " ++ show toState
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "GOTO after REDUCE: "
++ show topState ++ " " ++ lhs ++ " " ++ show toState
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "Goto/Shift symbols: " ++ "[]"
debug flag $ prlevel level ++ "Stack " ++ prStack stk3
debug flag $ ""
Expand All @@ -589,7 +633,7 @@ compGammasDfsForReduce flag maxLevel level isSimple symbols state automaton stk

if isSimple
then return (if null symbols then [] else [symbols])
else do listOfList <- compGammasDfs flag maxLevel isSimple (level+1) [] toState automaton stk3 history
else do listOfList <- compGammasDfs ccOption (level+1) [] toState stk3 history
return (if null symbols then listOfList else (symbols : map (symbols ++) listOfList))

-- | Cycle checking
Expand All @@ -616,31 +660,59 @@ successfullyParsed = return [SynCompInterface.SuccessfullyParsed]
handleLexError :: IO [EmacsDataItem]
handleLexError = return [SynCompInterface.LexError]

data HandleParseError token = HandleParseError {
debugFlag :: Bool,
searchMaxLevel :: Int,
simpleOrNested :: Bool,
postTerminalList :: [Terminal token],
nonterminalToStringMaybe :: Maybe (String->String)

-- | handleParseError
handleParseError :: TokenInterface token => Bool -> Int -> Bool -> [Terminal token] -> ParseError token ast -> IO [EmacsDataItem]
handleParseError flag maxLevel isSimple terminalListAfterCursor parseError =
unwrapParseError flag maxLevel isSimple terminalListAfterCursor parseError
-- handleParseError :: TokenInterface token => Bool -> Int -> Bool -> [Terminal token] -> ParseError token ast -> IO [EmacsDataItem]
-- handleParseError flag maxLevel isSimple terminalListAfterCursor parseError =
-- unwrapParseError flag maxLevel isSimple terminalListAfterCursor parseError

unwrapParseError flag maxLevel isSimple terminalListAfterCursor (NotFoundAction _ state stk actTbl gotoTbl prodRules terminalList) =
arrivedAtTheEndOfSymbol flag maxLevel isSimple terminalListAfterCursor state stk actTbl gotoTbl prodRules terminalList
unwrapParseError flag maxLevel isSimple terminalListAfterCursor (NotFoundGoto state _ stk actTbl gotoTbl prodRules terminalList) =
arrivedAtTheEndOfSymbol flag maxLevel isSimple terminalListAfterCursor state stk actTbl gotoTbl prodRules terminalList

arrivedAtTheEndOfSymbol flag maxLevel isSimple terminalListAfterCursor state stk _actTbl _gotoTbl _prodRules terminalList =
handleParseError :: TokenInterface token => HandleParseError token -> ParseError token ast -> IO [EmacsDataItem]
handleParseError hpeOption parseError = unwrapParseError hpeOption parseError

unwrapParseError hpeOption (NotFoundAction _ state stk _actTbl _gotoTbl _prodRules terminalList) = do
let automaton = Automaton {actTbl=_actTbl, gotoTbl=_gotoTbl, prodRules=_prodRules}
arrivedAtTheEndOfSymbol hpeOption state stk automaton terminalList
unwrapParseError hpeOption (NotFoundGoto state _ stk _actTbl _gotoTbl _prodRules terminalList) = do
let automaton = Automaton {actTbl=_actTbl, gotoTbl=_gotoTbl, prodRules=_prodRules}
arrivedAtTheEndOfSymbol hpeOption state stk automaton terminalList

arrivedAtTheEndOfSymbol hpeOption state stk automaton terminalList = do
if length terminalList == 1 then do -- [$]
_handleParseError flag maxLevel isSimple terminalListAfterCursor state stk _actTbl _gotoTbl _prodRules
_handleParseError hpeOption state stk automaton
else do
putStrLn $ "length terminalList /= 1 : " ++ show (length terminalList)
mapM_ (\t -> putStrLn $ terminalToString $ t) terminalList
return [SynCompInterface.ParseError (map terminalToString terminalList)]

_handleParseError flag maxLevel isSimple terminalListAfterCursor state stk _actTbl _gotoTbl _prodRules = do
let automaton = Automaton {actTbl=_actTbl, gotoTbl=_gotoTbl, prodRules=_prodRules}
candidateListList <- compCandidates flag maxLevel isSimple 0 [] state automaton stk
(hpeOption @ HandleParseError {
state stk automaton = do
let ccOption = CompCandidates {
cc_automaton=automaton }
candidateListList <- compCandidates ccOption 0 [] state stk
let colorListList_symbols =
[ filterCandidates candidateList terminalListAfterCursor
| candidateList <- candidateListList ]
let colorListList_ = map stringfyCandidates colorListList_symbols
let convFun =
case _nonterminalToStringMaybe of
Nothing -> \s -> "..."
Just fn -> fn
let colorListList_ = map (stringfyCandidates convFun) colorListList_symbols
let colorListList = map collapseCandidates colorListList_
let strList = nub [ concatStrList strList | strList <- map (map showEmacsColor) colorListList ]
let rawStrListList = nub [ strList | strList <- map (map showRawEmacsColor) colorListList ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -681,14 +753,14 @@ filterCandidates candidates terminalListAfterCursor =
equal (TerminalSymbol s1) (Terminal s2 _ _ _) = s1==s2
equal (NonterminalSymbol s1) _ = False

stringfyCandidates :: [EmacsColorCandidate] -> [EmacsColor]
stringfyCandidates candidates = map stringfyCandidate candidates
stringfyCandidates :: (String -> String) -> [EmacsColorCandidate] -> [EmacsColor]
stringfyCandidates convFun candidates = map stringfyCandidate candidates
stringfyCandidate (GrayCandidate sym line col) = Gray (strCandidate sym) line col
stringfyCandidate (WhiteCandidate sym) = White (strCandidate sym)

strCandidate (TerminalSymbol s) = s
strCandidate (NonterminalSymbol s) = "..." -- ++ s ++ "..."
strCandidate (NonterminalSymbol s) = convFun s -- "..." -- ++ s ++ "..."

collapseCandidates [] = []
collapseCandidates [a] = [a]
Expand Down

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