Simple thread safe store and retrieve library for Go.
Useful when data must be dynamically added (like sessions or transactions) and retrieved by separate goroutines.
Use go get to install and update:
$ go get -u
package main
import (
// Create a new Store only use full when shared somehow
var transactions = store.New()
// Main implements a silly API demo example where a map would be better
func main() {
handle := transactions.Add(time.Now())
if t, ok := transactions.Get(handle); ok {
transactions.Update(handle, t)
A real world example can be found in Threeleg OAuth.
The example above only uses Get() in once place. If this is not the case the type assertions can become a nuisance. When a store is used consistently to store data of a single type there is an easy fix
package stringstore
import ""
type StringStore struct {
// Method override. Note that StringStore does not adhere to store.Store anymore af this addition.
// Name the func GetString() if it is an issue.
func (ss *StringStore) Get(id string) (value string, ok bool) {
i, ok:= ss.Store.Get(id)
if ok {
value = i.(string)
func (ss *StringStore) Add(value string) (id string) {
return ss.Store.Add(value)
func (ss *StringStore) Update(id, value string) error {
return ss.Store.Update(id, value)