Use the OAuth and OAuth2 packages to authenticate users with an array of third-party services in a totally integrated and abstracted fashion. Users can currently be managed by SimpleAuth or Sentry.
Implementation requires only one controller and one database table (two if you count users).
The name "NinjAuth" comes from the company behind the project: HappyNinjas.
- OAuth
- OAuth2
- OpenID (by krtek4)
- XAuth - anyone?
- More flexible registration (view files as properties, or config options)
# Create users if this table does not exist already
$ oil g migration create_users username:varchar[50] password:string group:int email:string last_login:integer login_hash:string profile_fields:text created_at:int
$ oil refine migrate
# Run migrations in the package to create "authentications" table
$ oil refine migrate --packages=ninjauth
Just the usual submodule update, and when you're done run:
$ oil refine migrate --packages=ninjauth
class Controller_Auth extends \NinjAuth\Controller {}
'somewhere' => array(
'id' => '9cd980e0d883ERG42974b6cd78175135',
'secret' => '19d874DW43534SDFfce025d9bba4423452',
// Specify a specific callback
'callback' => '',
'google' => array(
'key' => 'yourkey',
'secret' => 'yoursecret',
// Provide a string or array for the API scope
'scope' => array('', ''),
// Google supports OAuth and OAuth2. Pick a specific
'strategy' => 'OAuth',