What’s Changed
New Feature:
- Feat: Hide the branch column if is not a multi-branch pipeline (#2379)
- Feat: Support load Jenkins configuration from ConfigMap automatically (#75)
- Feat: Support trigger Pipeline run by manipulate CRDs instead of calling Jenkins API (#41)
- Feat: Add containerd support for Pipeline (#171)
- Feat: Put Jenkins Job metadata into the annotations of Pipeline (#254)
Bug Fix:
- Fix: Failed to create or update credential while the length of content is too long (#123)
- Fix: ks-apiserver crashed while viewing parallel Pipeline activity detail (#93)
- Fix: When branch name is invalid, report a error message #328 @mangoGoForward
Dependency Upgrades
- Upgrade to configuration-as-code to 1.53 (#42)
- Deprecate router API version v1alpha2. (#4193)
- Change the pipeline api from v2 to v3 (#2323)
- Change the secret verify api (#2368)
There are 46 GitHub stars and 27 forks in this release.
Thanks again to @AbdelouahabMbarki, @JohnNiang, @LinuxSuRen, @cndoit18, @flamywhale, @fossabot, @mangoGoForward, @seanly, @shihaoH, @yJunS and @yuezhuangshi! 🎉