#movie finder
movie finder is a simple web app allowing you to see movies playing in the theaters in your area (see [demo on YouTube])
- in-browser JSX transformer is used since the project is fairly small
- [OnConnect API] is used since Fandango no longer provides free API to developers
- since [OnConnect API] only allows 2 requests per second, I chose not to load all the posters initially; posters are loaded after clicking on each movie
- [OnConnect API] does not provide free access to movie posters, they gave me sample access to this feature for one month only
- after July 1, 2015 movie finder switches to [OMDb API] to load posters
download the files, run movies.html in your Firefox or Safari ###browsers supported
- Safari, Version 8.0.6
- Firefox 38.0.5
###author Xenia Serbin ###version 1.0 [demo on YouTube]:https://youtu.be/EpXV6j37FTE [OMDb API]:http://omdbapi.com/ [OnConnect API]:http://developer.tmsapi.com/docs/data_v1_1/movies/Movie_showtimes