- Download input files as specified in project description (https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip)
- Extract the zip file; it will create a folder "UCI HAR Dataset". This folder will be the working directory, henceforth called WORK_DIR
run_analysis.R in this repo implements the project requirements.
The method run_analysis()
is the public method to be invoked.
Depends on the data.table
creates a tidy data set from the Samsung data under WORK_DIR, as per the project requirements. It returns the tidy data set, and can optionally write the results to a specifed output file.
run_analysis(outfile = NULL, ...)
outfile (optional) the file to which the resulting tidy data set is to be written
... arguments to pass to write.table for writing the output file (used only if outfile is specified)
Data frame with the tidy data set; one row per subject per activity; columns with averages of all the mean, std measurements.
setwd("<WORK_DIR>") # set to the "UCI HAR Dataset" folder
source('run_analysis.R') # specify full path to the file
tidydata <- run_analysis() # stores result in variable
run_analysis("foo.txt") # writes result to foo.txt (space separated is default for write.table)
tidydata <- run_analysis("foo.txt", sep=",") # stores result in variable, and writes CSV