Releases: ksharindam/photoquick
PhotoQuick v4.19.2
Changelog :
- 4.19.2 : fixed - wrongly detected as malware by windows defender while checking for update
PhotoQuick v4.19.1
Changelog :
- 4.19.1 : Pictures dir is used as initial dir under windows
- 4.19.0 : add save pdf option in photogrid
- 4.18.0 : redesigned photo grid, removed grid setup dialog
PhotoQuick v4.17.0
Changelog :
v4.17.0 : Added Manual Constrast Level Filter. It will greatly help to enhance low contrast image.
PhotoQuick v4.16.2
Changelog :
4.16.2 : preview dialog : place dialog to bottom of image
4.16.1 : can add background color to image with transparency
4.16.0 : added : scale to aspect ratio in transform menu
4.15.8 : crop : show cropbox position
4.15.7 : more useful and meaningful ratios being used
4.15.6 : text-tool : can draw bold and italic text
4.15.5 : more fine control over rotation angle
4.15.4 : prevent overwrite file if fileformat not supported
PhotoQuick v4.15.3
Changelog :
4.15.3 : fixed : sometimes text was drawn upscaled on final image in text-tool
4.15.2 : fixed : corrupted pdf generation (and sometimes crash) when saving monochrome image as pdf.
4.15.1 : appimage ported to qt5
4.15.0 : completely rewritten pdfwriter. very simple higher level pdfwriter api.
photo collage redesigned completely. background color and image can be changed easily,
page orientation can be changed.
PhotoQuick v4.15.2 (Qt5)
Changelog :
4.15.2 : fixed : corrupted pdf generation (and sometimes crash) when saving monochrome image as pdf.
4.15.1 : appimage ported to qt5
4.15.0 : completely rewritten pdfwriter. very simple higher level pdfwriter api.
photo collage redesigned completely. background color and image can be changed easily,
page orientation can be changed.
4.14.1 : threshold, adjust brightness now works on transperant images
Note : Previously Qt4 was used in AppImages. But suddenly I found that each time appimage is launched, AppImage is mounted on different mount point, and everytime new imageformat plugin location is cached in ~/.config/Trolltech.conf .
So each time launching the program causes Trolltech.conf grow more and more in size, and becomes huge.
Qt5 does not cache plugin location in file and has not this issue. That's why AppImage will be packed using Qt5 since this release (though AppImage size is 3 times bigger than before).
PhotoQuick v4.14.0
- added print support
- removed Copy to Clipboard from menu and set to Ctrl+C shortcut
PhotoQuick v4.13.3
4.13.3 : asks to open browser when Get Plugins clicked
4.13.2 : fixed : could not open image by relative path from commandline when image not in home dir
4.13.1 : expand border : border can be expanded to any particular side
4.13.0 : added : save DPI option in JpegOptions Dialog
PhotoQuick v4.12.1
4.12.1 : windows package : no longer shows choose directory page when update or reinstall
4.12.0 : added : Get Plugins option
4.11.0 : advanced check for updates feature. Can check for updates without help of browser.
PhotoQuick v4.10.6
Changelog :
4.10.6 : save as dialog : choose proper filefilter instead of All Files
4.10.5 : can open image with wrong file extension, and fix the extension
4.10.4 : photo-collage : fixed - could not embed external non-jpeg images in pdf export
4.10.3 : inpaint : remember brush size
4.10.2 : more simple stretch contrast algorithm
4.10.1 : photo-collage : fixed - on Windows photo-collage could not directly embed jpg from disk while pdf export
4.10.0 : added : adjust color levels filter
4.9.3 : added : open image from clipboard and copy to clipboard options