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- To initialize the environment, type
pipenv install && pipenv shell
- Enable bcrypt by typing
pip install flask-bcrypt
- You should populate the database with some test data by running
python server/
(maybe do this in config to skip this step when we deploy?) - Start the server by typing
python server/
(change this after deployment) - In a new terminal window, type
npm install --prefix client
to initialize the front. - You can then Run YouFlix by typing
npm start --prefix client
- For deployment purposes only, don't forget to run
pip install python-dotenv
to set up the enviornment. - Don't forget to
import validators
Welcome to YouFlix! We have all the best videos on the internet. Just go ahead and create a profile, log yourself in, and save your favorite shows to your profile.
- - The file you're reading right now!
- server/ - This is where we load all the libraries we use in the project, including Flask, Bcrypt, CORS, restful and sqlalchemy. This is also where we initialize and seed the database.
- server/ - This contains sample data to seed the database, with help from Faker.
- server/ - A debug file to assist in testing our class methods (maybe remove this before deployment)
- server/ - This file manages the backend, and is responsible for loading the models for the database as well as hosting the views for our app.
- server/ - This file his home to all the model classes that make up the database. Here you will find a variety of ORM methods that interact with the databse.
- server/instance/app.db - This is our SQLite database containing user and show info.
- client/src/App.js - This is where we load the React app that is responsible for displaing our front end.
- client/src/HomePage.css, Login.css, Profile.css - These files contain the CSS statements that style our site.
- client/src/Login.js - A page where you can log into YouFlix
- client/src/Profile.js - A Page where you can see your favorite shows displayed
- client/public - This is the public directory where we host our index.html file