After logging into a CISE Linux server, we use the below command to go to the desired path: cd BitTorrent/BitTorrents/src
To run the program for all 5 peers in 5 different Linux servers:
java bitTorrents/peer_1001/PeerProcess1001 1001
java bitTorrents/peer_1002/PeerProcess1002 1002
java bitTorrents/peer_1003/PeerProcess1003 1003
java bitTorrents/peer_1004/PeerProcess1004 1004
java bitTorrents/peer_1005/PeerProcess1005 1005
Srinivas Koushik Kondubhatla : Protocol definition, multithreading management, File transfer Shruti Shivani: Extracting info from Common.cfg and PeerInfo.cfg, Logger configuration Ayesha Naikodi: Connection establishment, Changing neighbours
Equal contribution in debugging
Every peer follows the below steps-
- Get id from command line argument
- Set configuration from Common.cfg file
- Check which peers are in network from PeerInfo.cfg, start server and accept other peer connections, and connect with them by sending handshake messages
- Process the file into an optimal data structure if peer has the file
- Read the messages received and send the appropriate responses based on protocol
- Change neighbors after every unchoking and optimistically unchoking interval.
- After Handshake, the peers will send BITFIELD message to each other
- If there are pieces with one peer other peer doesnt have, that peer will send INTRESTED message else, the peer will send NOT_INTRESTED message.
- Once HAVE/BITFIELD is received, the peer will send REQUEST message with piece number peer requesting.
- Once REQUEST message is received, the peer will send PIECE message with the requested piece as payload.
- Once PIECE message is reveived, the peer will update its bitfield and store that piece.
- After every unchoking/optimistically unchoking intervals, the current neighbours are choked and will receive CHOKE message and the new neighbours will be unchoked and will receive UNCHOKE message.
- Whenever a peer receive HAVE message from other peer, the peer will check if it has that piece or not and will send INTERESTED/NOT_INTRESTED message accordingly.
When all the peers have received the file, the connections are terminated.