Selfhosting ngrok server/client for running on some should be built with certificates - see references below
Builds docker image for server with CA root certificate for
ca.pem is created in /certs
ca.key is printed by docker build
- need to save it somethere and mount for next runs to /certs/ca.key
--build-arg NGROK_SERVER_DOMAIN=... is mandatory
docker build --build-arg -t codefresh/cf-tunnel:my.domain .
For all ngrokd parameters see help in docker run -it codefresh/cf-tunnel:my.domain ngrokd -h
Server certificates are generated in /certs/{server.crt,server.key} and signed by ca.pem + ca.key
the command below will start ngrokd -domain $NGROK_SERVER_DOMAIN -tlsCrt certs/server.crt -tlsKey certs/server.key $@
docker run -d -v $(pwd)/ca.key:/certs/ca.key codefresh/cf-tunnel:my.domain server [ngrokd paramams]
Simplified run - your service will be available from :
docker run -d codefresh/cf-tunnel:my.domain client [myservice.local.address:]8080 myservice[]
Or run full ngrok command. In this case you need to mount your own config file:
docker run -v $(pwd)/ngrok.conf:/root/.ngrok -d codefresh/cf-tunnel:my.domain ngrok [parameters]
We are using open source ngrok 1.0