This package contains functions to compute
- Growth factor of the linear matter density fluctuation for ΛCDM cosmology
- "No-wiggle" transfer function for the linear matter power spectrum
- Non-linear matter power spectrum
- Variance of the matter density fluctuation and its derivatives
From the Julia REPL, run
using Pkg
The package contains
- Linear growth factor
growth(Ωm, ΩΛ[, a1=1e-2])
: returns an interpolation function containing solutions of the linear matter density (δ) and velocity divergence (θ/H0) fields as a function of the scale factor, a
- Linear matter transfer function
t_nowiggle(k, ωm, fbaryon)
: returns a "no-wiggle transfer function", T0(k), from Equation (29-31) of Eisenstein and Hu, ApJ, 496, 605 (1998)
- Non-linear matter power spectrum
: returns an array containing three variablesp=[kσ, neff, C]
defined in Equation (C6-C8) of Smith et al., MNRAS, 341, 1311 (2003)halofit(pk, p, Ωmz, k)
: returns a "halofit" non-linear matter power spectrum at a specified value of the comoving wavenuemberk
using Smith et al.'s method with the parameters given in Appendix of Takahashi et al., ApJ, 761, 152 (2012)- The terms proportional to (1+w) in Equation (A6, A7) of Takahashi et al. are not included in this function
- Limitation of halotfit: The halofit non-linear power spectrum does not capture smearing of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) due to non-linear evolution. You can see this clearly in the correlation function, whose peak is not smeared out but stays similar to the linear theory prediction. See examples/PlotCorrelationFunctions.jl.
- Variance of the matter density fluctuation
sigma2(pk, R)
: returns variance of the matter density fluctuation, σ2, smoothed by a top-hat filter with radiusR
dsigma2dR(pk, R)
: returns a derivative of variance, dσ2/dR, with respect to a top-hat filter with radiusR
sigma2gaus(pk, R)
: returns variance of the matter density fluctuation, σ2, smoothed by a Gaussian filter with widthR
dsigma2gausdR(pk, R)
: returns a derivative of variance, dσ2/dR, with respect to a Gaussian filter with widthR
d2sigma2gausdR2(pk, R)
: returns a secon derivative of variance, d2σ2/dR2, with respect to a Gaussian filter with widthR
: present-day total matter density parameter.ΩΛ::Real
: present-day dark energy density parameter (for cosmological constant).k::Real
: comoving wavenumber.ωm::Real
: physical baryon density parameter,ωm = Ωm h^2
: baryon fraction,fbaryon = Ωb/Ωb
(k): a function which returns a linear matter power spectrum with the argument k being the comoving wavenumber. This can be an interpolation function constructed from tabulated data.p::Array{T,1} where T <: Real
: an array containing three variables [kσ, neff, C], which are obtained fromp = setup_halofit(pk)
: matter density parameter at a given redshift z, e.g.,Ωmz = Ωm(1+z)^3 / [Ωm(1+z)^3 + Ωk(1+z)^2 + ΩΛ]
: top-hat or Gaussian smoothing scale.
: initial scale factor forsetup_growth(Ωm, ΩΛ[, a1])
, at which the initial condition is set as δ(a1) = a1. The default value:1e-2
Fourier transform of the power spectrum is a two-point correlation function in configuration space, ξ(R)
, where R
is the comoving separation. If we ignore anisotropy in the power spectrum caused by, e.g., the effect of pecular velocity of galaxies, ξ(R)
can be calculated from the isotropic power spectrum as
ξ(R) = (2π2)-1 ∫0∞ dk k2 P(k) sin(kR)/(kR) .
This integral is difficult to evaluate because of the oscillatory function sin(kR)/(kR)
. Fortunately, a Julia function quaddeo
available in DoubleExponentialFormulas.jl can handle this integral. (Many thanks to machakann for implementing this!) Here is an exmaple Julia code to compute the corrletion function. Also see examples/PlotCorrelationFunctions.jl.
using DoubleExponentialFormulas
# %% Define a function to return a power spectrum. See "Example Juia code" below for the example.
pk(k) = ...
# %% Compute ξ(R)
kmin, kmax = 1e-4, Inf # h/Mpc
R = 10.0 # Mpc/h
func(k) = k^2 * pk(k) * sin(k * R) / (k * R) / 2 / π^2
ξ, err = quaddeo(func, R, 0, kmin, kmax)
Alternatively, you can use Henry S. G. Gebhardt's TwoFAST package, which enables accurate and fast computations of the correlation functions. The plot comparing the results from quaddeo
and TwoFAST's xicalc
can be generated by examples/CompareToTwoFAST.jl.
The linear matter power spectrum computed from the "no-wiggle" transfer function t_nowiggle(k, ωm, fbaryon)
is not very accurate because it does not contain the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) and it is a fitting function. If you need a very accurate linear matter power spectrum, you should use linear Boltzmann solvers such as CAMB and CLASS.
Nevertheless, if you exclude BAO, this linear matter power spectrum is reasonably accurate: it achieves precision better than 1.5% at all wavenumbers below k < 10 h/Mpc for ΛCDM cosmology with the standard thermal history of the Universe and massless neutrinos. This is quite sufficient for many purposes in the cosmological research (unless you need BAO, of course). Therefore, you can calculate many quantities in your research with decent accuracy quickly using the functions given in this package.
Finding new, (hopefully) interesting problems is the hardest part of doing research. To explore new ideas, precision is often not needed; thus, you can use the functions given in this package to explore new ideas. Once you find interesting results that are worth exploring further with better precision, you can update your calculations with CAMB or CLASS.
Also, having a single, self-contained, simple and well-documented package should be useful for educational purposes. My hope is that beginning students would take a look at this package and gain insights into how the growth of linear density fluctuation and linear and non-linear matter power spectra are computed, before using public linear Boltzmann solvers as a black box.
Having said this, the non-linear matter power spectrum functions setup_halofit(pk)
and halofit(pk, p, Ωmz, k)
in this package can take any linear power spectrum inputs pk
you wish; i.e, you do not have to use t_nowiggle(k, ωm, fbaryon)
, but can supply linear power spectra computed from CAMB and CLASS.
Growth of the linear matter density fluctuation, δ, is determined by three equations: (1) continuity, (2) Euler, and (3) Poisson equations.
- Continuity Equation,
δ' + θ = 0
- Euler equation,
θ' + (a'/a)θ - k^2 ϕ = 0
- Poisson equation,
k^2ϕ = -4πG a^2 ρm δ
where θ = div(velocity), ϕ is the Newtonian gravitational potential, and the primes denote conformal time derivatives.
To solve these equations, we rewrite them using derivatives with respect to the scale factor, a
dδ/da = -θ/a^2/E(a)
dθ/da = -θ/a + q^2ϕ/a^2/E(a)
q^2ϕ = -(3/2)Ωm δ/a
θ = div(velocity)/H0
E(a) = H(a)/H0 = √(Ωm/a^3 + Ωk/a^2 + ΩΛ)
q = k/H0
These equations are put in the form of a function growth!(du, u, p, a)
function growth!(du, u, p, a)
δ, θ = u
Ωm, ΩΛ = p
Ωk = 1 - Ωm - ΩΛ
E = √(Ωm / a^3 + Ωk / a^2 + ΩΛ) # E(a) = H(a)/H0
k2ϕ = -(3 / 2) * Ωm * δ / a # Poisson equation
du[1] = dδda = -θ / a^2 / E # Continuity equation
du[2] = dθda = -θ / a + k2ϕ / a^2 / E # Euler equation
and solved by Julia's ODE solver as
prob = ODEProblem(growth!, u0, tspan, [Ωm, ΩΛ])
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
= dδ/da,du[2]
= dθ/dau[1]
= δ,u[2]
= θp[1]
= Ωm,p[2]
= ΩΛtspan = (a1, 1.0)
witha1 = 0.01
u0 = [a1; -a1^2 * E(a1)]
See documentation for how to use this ODE solver.
The following example code (avaiable in examples/PowerSpectrum.jl) computes the linear growth factor, the linear and non-linear power spectra, the r.m.s. mass density fluctuation σ(R), and the non-linear mass M* defined by σ(M*) = 1.6865.
If you would like to generate a nice figure showing linear and non-linear P(k) as a function of k, take a look at examples/PlotPowerSpectrum.jl.
To check accuracy of linear and non-linear power spectra computed from t_nowiggle(k, ωm, fbaryon)
against those pre-computed by CLASS, take a look at examples/ComparePowerSpectrum.jl.
If you have the python wrapper for CLASS classy installed already, you can use examples/PlotCLASSPowerSpectrum.jl to call classy
via PyCall
, compute linear and non-linear P(k), and generate a figure.
using MatterPower
using Roots
# %% Specify a redshift
redshift = 0
# %% Define a function to return a linear matter power spectrum (in units of Mpc^3/h^3)
# as a function of the comoving wavenumber, kovh, in units of h/Mpc.
# Here is an example using Einstein & Hu's analytical transfer function
# Cosmological parameters
As, ns, kpivot = 2.097e-9, 0.9652, 0.05
Ωm, ΩΛ, Ωb = 0.315, 0.685, 0.049
Ωk = 1 - Ωm - ΩΛ
h0 = 0.674
ωm, fb = Ωm * h0^2, Ωb / Ωm
# Tabulate linear growth factor as a function of scale factor, a
sol = setup_growth(Ωm, ΩΛ)
a = 1 / (1 + redshift)
D1 = sol(a)[1]
pk(kovh) =
D1^2 *
As *
(kovh * h0 / kpivot)^(ns - 1) *
(2 * kovh^2 * 2998^2 / 5 / Ωm)^2 *
t_nowiggle(kovh * h0, ωm, fb)^2 *
2 *
π^2 / kovh^3
# %% Alternatively you may read in pre-computed data and define a spline function
# using Dierckx
# pk = Spline1D(tabulated_kovh, tabulated_power_spectrum)
# %% Compute the r.m.s. mass fluctuation with a top-hat radius Rh
Rh = 8 # Mpc/h
σ2 = sigma2(pk, Rh)
println("σ(R) = ", √σ2, " for R = ", Rh, " Mpc/h")
# %% Compute the non-linear mass, M*, defined by σ(R*,z) = 1.6865
# and M* = (4π/3)ρm R*^3 = (4π/3)ρc Ωm R*^3
# ρc is the present-day critical density of the Universe in units of h^2 M⊙/Mpc^3
ρc = 2.775e11
f(x) = √sigma2(pk, x) - 1.6865
Rstar = find_zero(f, (1e-2, 1e2), Bisection())
println("R* = ", Rstar, " h/Mpc")
Mstar = 4π / 3 * ρc * Ωm * Rstar^3
println("Non-linear mass M* = ", Mstar, " M⊙/h")
# %% Compute the non-linear power spectrum using halofit
# Get three parameters [kσ, neff, C] needed for the halofit transform
p = kσ, neff, C = setup_halofit(pk)
# Calculate Ωm(z) = Ωm(z=0)(1+z)^3 / E^2(z), where E^2(z) = H^2(z) / H0^2
z = redshift
E2 = Ωm * (1 + z)^3 + Ωk * (1 + z)^2 + ΩΛ
Ωmz = Ωm * (1 + z)^3 / E2
# Define a function to return a halofit non-linear power spectrum
pknl(kovh) = halofit(pk, p, Ωmz, kovh) # Mpc^3/h^3
kovh = 1 # h/Mpc
println("k = ", kovh, " h/Mpc:")
println("Non-linear P(k) = ", pknl(kovh), " Mpc^3/h^3")
println("linear P(k) = ", pk(kovh), " Mpc^3/h^3")
The functions provided in this package are adapted from Cosmology Routine Library (CRL), which is based upon work supported in part by NSF under Grant AST-0807649 and PHY-0758153, NASA under Grant NNX08AL43G, and Alfred P. Sloan Research Foundation via a Sloan Fellowship. This work is also supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP15H05896.