This repository contains the datasheet, data, and code to reproduce all the analyses in the paper. I'm stil organizing things a bit, but if you need something immediately or find it confusing, please open a GitHub issue or email me. I recommend reading the paper, appendix, and datasheet (in that order) thoroughly before sifting through the code.
TEMPORARY EDIT: The raw datafiles are too big for Github and I need to find another solution like Zenodo. I am out of town through the end of January 2022 but if you need them ASAP let me know.
The Github is organized as follows:
"Analysis": This folder contains 3 Rscripts to reproduce the analyses and figures in the paper. These R scripts should save the figures to the "Figures" or "Appendix" folders as appropriate.
Most of the things you are looking for are in the "Data" folder.
Dataset_Curation: You'll find the main notebook to clean and curate the data for the whole project, "MainDataset.ipynb."
Dataset_Curation/Data: You'll find four json files that correspond to the raw data from MAG and PWC. The PWC files are 06/16/21 downloads from here. I will try and add some code to show how I got the MAG ID's for the papers in "datasets.json" but given that MAG is offline, I'm not sure it's that helpful.
Dataset_Curation/Data/Derivative Datasets: Derivative and intermediary datasets that are created throughout the cleaning process of MainDataset.ipynb are saved here. Some of these datasets take a long time to generate so it's helpful to save them as we go.
Dataset_Curation/Data/Analysis_Datasets: The final datasets created by MainDataset.ipyb drawn on by the R scripts in the "Analysis" Folder are saved here.
Dataset_Curation/Data/Sensitivity_Datasets: Sensitivity analysis datasets created by MainDataset.ipyb drawn on by the R scripts in the "Analysis" Folder are saved here.