This repository holds the script, code and secrets to getting rich quick (hint: lottery) for the KnpUniversity Stripe Tutorial.
NOTE: Because this is an older tutorial, the code only works on PHP 7.3 and lower.
Download Composer either globally or right into this directory, and then (from this directory), run:
php composer.phar install
This will interactively ask you for some settings - like database_host
Fill those in. If you make a mistake - just modify app/config/parameters.yml
If you get an error about "Unknown Database" - it's cool! Ignore it for now :)
To get your database up and running, execute the following commands:
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
php bin/console h:d:f:l
If you get any errors, check your database settings in app/config/parameters.yml
We recommend using the built-in PHP web server. To start it, run:
php bin/console server:run
Then, load the site at: