This is the code, script and other Tom-foolery for the tutorial that you can find here:
NOTE: Because this is an older tutorial, the code only works on PHP 7.2 and lower.
If you've just downloaded the code, congratulations!!
To get it working, follow these steps:
Download Composer dependencies
Make sure you have Composer installed and then run:
composer install
You may alternatively need to run php composer.phar install
, depending
on how you installed Composer.
As composer install
finishes, it will interactively ask you for some
setup config, like your database credentials. Fill these in for your
machine (you can just hit enter for the mailer configuration - that won't
be use).
To set up the database, run:
php app/console doctrine:database:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
The easier web server to use is the built-in PHP web server via Symfony. Run:
php app/console server:run
Then open your site at http://localhost:8000