- Rudolph Dwars
- Kalpesh Muchhal
Currently, we have explored integrals of powers of two functions :
- reciprocal of the log function (direct link to paper)
- zeta function (direct link to paper)
1) Discovery of new constants that can be interpreted as generalizations of the Ramanujan-Soldner constant (RS=1.451369..)
| exponent q | root of L(q,x)=0 | root of Zi(q,x)=0 |
| 0.51 | 1.000669 | 1.000694 |
| 0.55 | 1.012343 | 1.012832 |
| 0.6 | 1.039038 | 1.040602 |
| 0.8 | 1.211222 | 1.217270 |
| 1.0 | 1.451369 | 1.447265 |
| 1.5 | 2.349101 | 2.052350 |
| 2.0 | 3.846468 | 2.476428 |
| 2.5 | 6.319568 | 2.746947 |
| 4.5 | 46.451592| 3.579452 |
In the L case, we also observe root_(q+1)/root_q -> exp(1) = 2.71828.. as q gets larger
In the Zi case, we observe root_(q+1)/root_q -> 1 as q gets larger
We analytically continue L(q,z) and Zi(q,z) to the complex plzne z and again observe interesting properties. For eg. real(L(q,z)) shows q negative roots for q integer, apart from the one root on the positive x axis that was shown earlier, hence a total of q+1 roots.
Similarly we explore the roots of symmetric sums like M(n,z) = L(n,z) + L(n,1-z) or M(n,z) = Zi(n,z) + Zi(n,1-z), and numerically it seems all the roots of such M(n,z) are on the critical line.