A starting point for new iOS projects at Klika.
- Overcommit
$ make install_dependencies
this script will:
- install overcommit
- In Xcode, go to File > Swift packages > Add new package dependency
- Enter package repository URL and click next
- Choose version options and click next
- Select desired dependency targets and click finish
For any environment specific configuration use \(schemeName).xcconfig
specific configuration file which will handle configuration per specific scheme
Use Klika quality guidelines for general development references.
A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions, loosely based on GitHub's Swift Style Guide.
Currently done manually.
We are currently using only one script:
- runSwiftlint.sh | Runs swiftlint in debug configuration only
Scripts are located under BuildScripts folder at the root of the project.
- Add script file to BuildScripts folder
- Use "chmod u+x [filePath]" to give script permission to be executed. E.g. chmod u+x BuildScripts/runSwiftlinth.sh
- In the Xcode file navigator, select .xcodeproj file and select "Build phases" tab
- Click on the plus icon and add new run script build phase. A new run script entry should appear at the end of the build phases list
- Expand newly added run script phase
- In the script editor, type out the path to script file. E.g. $SRCROOT/BuildScripts/runSwiftlint.sh. $SRCROOT refers to the root directory of the project.
Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 for other targets from which you want to run the script.
Use GitFlow development workflow with controller tests and documentation included.
- no conflicts with target branch
- pass Microsoft AppCenter tests (optional at the moment due to very long build time)
- code review approval
Networking is implemented via Alamofire that enables easy parsing of response to ApI Models inside app together with Swift Codable protocol.
Simplify ViewController ViewModel binding using Bond
This project will run static code analyser on every commit.
This template us using SwiftLint for static code analysis. All SwiftLint offenses are automatically tracked and prevented on every commit. This feature is handled by Overcommit git hook manager.
Microsoft AppCenter