An iOS View to help cleanly display a group of friends in a flat style. Now with ARC!
How to Use:
- Create a KFRiendCircleView, either in IB or in code using initWithFrame:Pictures:Usernames:
- (Mainly for use in IB) add more users using addUser: withImage:
- Set the selected user
in ViewController.h:
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet KFriendCircleView *circle;
in viewController.m:
//set to show the triangular selector below the selected user = YES;
//add users
[ addUser:@"kkoser" withImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Test.png"]];
[ addUser:@"kkoser" withImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Test.png"]];
[ animate]; //this animates in all of the images from a blank view = 0; //set the selected