All-in-one filterbank code to convert full polar or total power GMRT data to sigproc filterbank format file. Currently written to convert only LSB data (highest frequency channel first).
GMRT full polarisation data is written in T1_C1[PQRS], T1_C2[PQRS], T1_C3[PQRS] ... format. While sigproc accepts data in a format which is T1_P[C1...CN], T1_Q[C1...CN], T1_R[C1...CN], T1_S[C1...CN]. This code essentially written to perform this conversion.
After the conversion to filterbank, if asked, the code can convert the filterbank file to psrfits using DSPSR and also perform RFI excision using extracted from coast_guard pipeline (
gcc -o process_gmrt_psr process_gmrt_psr.c
process_gmrt_psr <input_file> {options}
For detailed instruction of usage, see the help page (-h option).
-n : number of channels
-p : number of polarisations
-f : Frequency of the highest channel in MHz (def: 500.0)
-bw : Recording bandwidth in MHz (def: 200.0)
-sb : Sideband sense. -1 for LSB; 1 for USB (def: -1)
-mjd : Timestamp of the first sample in MJD
-ts : Sampling time (in secs)
-E : Parameter file
-rfi : Specify if the data is cleaned of RFI (0: norfix[default]; 1: gptool; 2: rfiClean)
-dspsr : Process filterbank file with DSPSR (def: False)
-b : Number of bins to fold (def: 128)
-tsub : Sub-integration length in seconds (def: 10.0)
-t : Number of thread to use (def: 1)
-clean : Clean fits file produced by DSPSR (def: False)
-m : Number of iterations (def: 5)