scripts used for ttH BDT training
This setup expects ntuples split into even/Odd events and into the different analysis categories -> PATHTONTUPLES ################## e.g. ls PATHTONTUPLES Category_43 Category_44
ls PATHTONTUPLES/Category_43 Even Odd
ls PATHTONTUPLES/Category_43/Even ttbar_220_nominal.root ttHbb_14_nominal.root ########################################
If you have different ntuple names or data structure you need to edit
Then you need a config file that describes the gradient boosting BDT -> see bdtconfigs for examples
to train do: python CATEORY NAMEFORTRAINING BDTCONFIGFILE PATHTONTUPLES test|train e.g. python 43 Spring17v1 bdtconfigs/Spring17v1/43_S17V1.txt /nfs/dust/cms/user/kelmorab/SplitTrees2702_Spring17_V3 test
with test|train you can specifiy that the ROC and KS are calculated using the test or the trainings data (even/odd)