openstack-stonith-agent - BETA!!!
What it is
It's a STONITH agent for openstack instances.
If you are running a Pacemaker cluster on OpenStack instances you can use this STONITH agent to fence them.
The STONITH agent is using the OpenStack APIs.
Install on Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install git python-novaclient
How to install
$ git clone
Ubuntu: ``` $ sudo cp openstack-stonith-agent/openstack /usr/lib/stonith/plugins/external/ ```
SuSE: ``` $ sudo cp openstack-stonith-agent/openstack /usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/external/ ```
What you need
- The OpenStack tenant name (project name)
- An OpenStack user name passwort in this tenant
- The OpenStack instance names in this tenant
- The authentication url (the Keystone url)
Example: - A decision how to fence the instance:
- reboot - soft reboot of the instance
- reboot-force - hard reboot of the instance
- shutdown - power off the instance
How to integrate in pacemaker
root@clusternode-1:~# crm
crm(live)# configure
crm(live)configure# primitive stonith-clusternode-1 stonith:external/openstack params openstack_instance=clusternode-1 openstack_username=mystonithuser openstack_password=mypassword openstack_tenant=myclustertenant openstack_authurl= openstack_poweraction=reboot-force
crm(live)configure# primitive stonith-clusternode-2 stonith:external/openstack params openstack_instance=clusternode-2 openstack_username=mystonithuser openstack_password=mypassword openstack_tenant=myclustertenant openstack_authurl= openstack_poweraction=reboot-force
crm(live)configure# location loc-stonith-clusternode-1 stonith-clusternode-1 -inf: clusternode-1
crm(live)configure# location loc-stonith-clusternode-2 stonith-clusternode-2 -inf: clusternode-2
crm(live)configure# property stonith-enabled=true
#Only at two node cluster
crm(live)configure# no-quorum-policy="ignore"
crm(live)configure# verify
crm(live)configure# commit