Example projects for Scala Reactive Programming (SRP)
Brief Table of Cotent:
Part 1- Functional and Asynchronous
Chapter 1: Getting started With Reactive and Functional Programming
Chapter 2: Functional Scala
Chapter 3: Asynchronous Programming with Scala
Part 2 - Develop FRP Applications
Chapter 4: Building Reactive Applications With Akka
Chapter 5: Adding Reactiveness with RxScala
Chapter 6: Extending Application with Play
Part 3 - Reactive Applications with Akka Streams
Chapter 7: Working with Reactive Streams
Chapter 8: Integrating Akka Streams to Play Application
Part 4 - Extend, Test & Deploy Reactive Microservice Architecture
Chapter 9: Reactive Microservices With Lagom
Chapter 10: Testing Reactive Microservices
Chapter 11: Managing Microservices in ConductR
Chapter 12: Reactive Design Patterns & Best Practices