Simple & Lightweight GraphQL client for Java With Async and subscriptions Support!
The dependencies of this project are:
- Google GSON (
- Apache HttpClient (
- Java-WebSocket (
//Data class
public class User {
public String id, name, email;
//Create a client object
Client client = new Client("");
//For example we can set global variables and headers
client.setGlobalVariable("someId", "1");
client.setHeader("auth", "someAuthToken")
//Find a user in the GraphQL api
User user = client.query(
new Query("query user($id: ID!) { user(id: $id) { id, name, email } }").setVariable("id", "1"))
.get("user", User.class);
client.setupWebsocket(() -> {
client.subscribe(new Query("subscription {commentAdded}"), data -> System.out.println("commentAdded: "+data.getRawJson()));
}, (code, reason, remote)-> System.out.println("Websocket was close code: "+code + " reason: "+reason));
//To close the client call