This module ment to take care of vagrant installation, its plugins and boxes. It focuses on the latest vagrant versions and therefore might not work properly with older releases requiring special setup, but it is still possible to request a specific version.
It was inspiried by code from mjanser and emyl modules, but forked due to their inactivity.
This module uses
Currently supports:
- CentOS and Redhat (i386 and x86)
- Ubuntu and Debian (i386 and x86)
- Windows (not tested)
- Darwin (not tested)
Install latest version
include vagrant
Install 1.6.3
class { 'vagrant':
version => '1.6.3'
Install plugin
vagrant::plugin { 'vagrant-hostmanager':
user => 'myuser'
Install plugin in specific version
vagrant::plugin { 'vagrant-hostmanager':
user => 'myuser',
version => 0.8.0
There are some more options which are the same as supported by the vagrant plugin command.
- prerelease
- source
- entry_point
Add a vagrant box for the specified user.
vagrant::box { 'puppetlabs/centos-6.6-64-puppet':
user => 'vagrant'
Manage vagrant user, its authorized keys and sudo access. Please note that this class works only on *nix systems.
sudo_ensure => absent
The user parameter is currently ignored on Windows systems (current user is assumed).
$::osfamily usage requires Facter 1.6.1 or later.