This project is for cockpit automation, which using selenium to locate web elements and operate as a test user.
VMs of binding MAC, IP and hostname in lab for RHEV-H
- Clone source codes to local directory on above "TEST RUN" machine
git clone
- Install the dependency packages
pipenv install
All the test scenarios are defined in the scen.yml
Run the executable file and append the $test_scen defined in scen.yml
python -t $test_tier
Auto testing for ovirt 4.2 cockpit, where files and test cases were refatored
Auto testing for ovirt 4.1 cockpit
Under cases file, there are 3 sections.
- cases_info
which represent the {$polarion_id: $checkpoint_name} and configuration be used in each check file.
- checks
Detail check file which defined a class inherit from CheckBase defined under helpers. In this class, should define all the checkpoint function list under cases_info
- helpers
Some helper library used by the checkpoints
Name rules should be followed
- All the checks file should be started with "test_" under checks directory
- The class defined in the checks file, should start with "Test", Such as "TestDashboardUi", "TestSubscription", besides, define just one Test.* class in one check file
- Strip the "test_" from checks file name, this is cases info file. Such as "",""
After all, Don't forget to append the cases_info file name into scen.yml under PROJECT_ROOT directory