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Home page (/
Single page, shows a table of months with a link for every day in every month.
Now page (/now
Single page, links to the current Month-Day page (based on the browser's date / timezone).
Month-Day pages (e.g. /jan-7
Multiple pages, one for every day in every month (including [Leap Day]).
URL pattern: /mmm-D
— lowercase/slugified English abbreviation for month nameD
— number of the day in the month (no zero-padding)
Links to any concerts, album releases, etc which happened on the given day in previous years.
Multiple redirects, one for every concert recorded on
URL pattern: /YYYY-MM-DD
— four-digit yearMM
— two-digit (zero-padded) monthDD
— two-digit (zero-padded) day
URL pattern: /YYYY-MM-DD@#
— [optional] one-digit, to differentiate multiple shows on the same date
Redirects to the appropriate concert URL on the site.
This site is set up using Gatsby: