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Jon Wagner edited this page Feb 20, 2014 · 4 revisions

Sometimes you want to execute multiple statements in a transaction. We recommend using the transaction support in the DbConnection classes. You will need to manage the lifetime of your connection explicitly.

You also need to pass the transaction into each database call.

using (var c = connectionString.Open())
using (var tx = connection.BeginTransaction())
	c.Execute("InsertBeer", beer, transaction: tx);
	c.Execute("InsertBeer", beer, transaction: tx);

Using OpenWithTransaction

I hate code, so when I saw this, I set out to eliminate the extra bits. Calling OpenWithTransaction will open the connection AND start a transaction. It will also automatically pass the transaction to all of your database calls.

using (var c = connectionString.OpenWithTransaction())
	c.Execute("InsertBeer", beer);
	c.Execute("InsertBeer", beer);

Using OpenWithTransaction and Async

You can also do this in an async method.

public async Task InsertWithTransaction()
	using (var c = await connectionString.OpenWithTransactionAsync())
		await c.ExecuteAsync("InsertBeer", beer);
		await c.ExecuteAsync("InsertBeer", beer);


  1. Don't even think of trying to write this without .NET 4.5. Cleaning up the connection would be a nightmare.
  2. Note that we await the result of each database call so they are executed in order, but asynchronously. I haven't tried executing them in parallel with MARS enabled.

Using OpenWithTransactionAs

If you use Insight for Auto Interface Implementation, you should make your interface extend IDbConnection and IDbTransaction. Then you get type safety on your interface:

public interface IBeerRepository : IDbConnection, IDbTransaction
	void InsertBeer(Beer beer);
	Task InsertBeerAsync(Beer beer);

public async Task InsertWithTransaction()
	using (var c = await connectionString.OpenWithTransactionAsAsync<IBeerRepository>())
		await c.InsertBeerAsync(beer);
		await c.InsertBeerAsync(beer);

Lists of Objects as Parameters - BACK || NEXT- Optimistic Concurrency

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