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Jon Wagner edited this page Apr 24, 2012 · 6 revisions

Auto-Open / Auto-Close

Most of the Insight extension methods support auto-open/auto-close semantics. If you pass it an open connection, Insight will leave the connection open. If you pass it a closed connection, Insight will open the connection itself, and close the connection when it completes.

This call will open and close the connection:

		List<Beer> beer = Database.Connection().Query<Beer>("FindBeer", new { Name = "IPA" });

This call will leave the connection open between statements:

		using (SqlConnection connection = Database.Open())
			List<Beer> beer = connection().Query<Beer>("FindBeer", new { Name = "IPA" });
			connection().Execute("DeleteBeer", beer.First());

This makes it easy to use the Insight extension methods within existing code.

The methods that support this are:

  • AsyncExecute/AsyncExecuteSql
  • AsyncQuery/AsyncQuerySql
  • BulkCopy
  • Execute/ExecuteSql
  • ExecuteScalar/ExecuteScalarSql
  • ForEach
  • Query/QuerySql
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