Photos are taken regularly throughout the day. At the end of the day a 4k time-lapse is generated and uploaded to YouTube.
Currently running at Nipomo Sunset Pi on YouTube.
- Add configuration to save data to an external drive.
- Daily backup to a network drive.
- Use localized sunrise/sunset times to start and stop the time-lapse.
- Slow down the time-lapse around the sunset.
- Make a separate sunset-only time-lapse without affecting the day-long time-lapse.
- Automatically add title
and endscreens- Uses a photo with a Ken Burns effect with the date and music information in the subtitle.
- Make the title photo a picture of the daily sunset.
- Make the YouTube thumbnail be about 15 minutes before sunset.
- Automatically add royalty free music to the videos.
Would be cool to automatically scrape the YouTube audio library.- More likely I'll download a bunch of music, put it into a folder and cycle through them. (this is what I did)
- Add image stabilization to remove wind shaking.
- Make long term time-lapses of solar noon, and of each sunset showing how the sun moves across the horizon as the seasons pass.
- Automatically make a monthly time-lapse.
- Make a yearly time-lapse.
- Make multi-year time-lapses.
- Automatically maintain monthly playlists on YouTube (August 2020, September 2020, etc.).
- Make the latest video always the featured video on the channel.
- Integrate with weather API to show daily high and low teperatures and daily rainfall.
- Add an AI voice over and shorten the title
- Add links to previous year's videos
- Automatically upload monthly time-lapses
- imagemagick - for resizing and cropping
- ffmpeg - for encoding video
- Google API Python Client - for uploading to YouTube
- Raspberry Pi 4 4-8GB (tested with a pi 3 b+ but was unable to encode higher than 1080p)
- Raspberry Pi HQ Camera
- Raspberry Pi HQ Camera Lens - Wide Angle
- Raspberry Pi PoE HAT
- Outdoor CCTV Camera Housing
- USB External Drive - it generates more than 5 GB of images a day and about 2 TB a year (assuming you want to save the raw images).
- Setup a Raspberry Pi (preferably in headless mode, but not required)
- Install an external hard drive and edit fstab so that it always mounts to the same location.
- This may be optional if you don't care to save the raw data.
- Carefully follow the instructions found here.
- Install dependencies:
sudo apt install ffmpeg
sudo apt install imagemagick
sudo apt install python3-pip
# I like to have an alias that forces the python3 and pip3... so that's what I do:
echo 'alias python=python3' >> ~/.bash_aliases
echo 'alias pip=pip3' >> ~/.bash_aliases
source ~/.bashrc
# install a virtual environment to install all the YouTube specific stuff we need
pip install virtualenv
python -m virtualenv youtube
source youtube/bin/activate
python -m pip install google-api-python-client
python -m pip install oauth2client
- clone this project:
git clone
- Download the NOAA Solar Calculations for the year
- Go to the NOAA Solar Calculator and enter in your gps location
- Click the "Create Sunrise/Sunset Tables for the Year" button
- Using the mouse select the text of each table and copy and paste them into a spreadsheet program (I used google sheets).
- Export each table as a csv file called:
- YYYY-sunrise.csv
- YYYY-sunset.csv
- YYYY-solarnoon.csv
- Make the YYYY the current year
- Save the csv files into ~/sunsetpi/solar-tables/
- setup crontab:
crontab -e
Add the following lines to the contab:
# trigger the camera every minute:
* * * * * . $HOME/sunsetpi/; $SUNSETPI_PATH/
# trigger the camera on the 15, 30 and 45 seconds of each minute for the sunset portion:
* * * * * . $HOME/sunsetpi/; $SUNSETPI_PATH/ 15
* * * * * . $HOME/sunsetpi/; $SUNSETPI_PATH/ 30
* * * * * . $HOME/sunsetpi/; $SUNSETPI_PATH/ 45
# trigger the daily time-lapse creation at 9:15 pm every day:
15 21 * * * . $HOME/sunsetpi/; $SUNSETPI_PATH/
- Setup your project on Google API Console
- From the Google API Console create oauth2 credentials and put them in ~/sunsetpi/credentials.json
- After the first day of photos manually run the so that you are able to follow the youtube authorization instructions in the console.
- For now on the auth is saved and the can be run via cron each day.