this is about mapping and localization by using lidar, imu, gps and wheel speed sensor; by using eskf, ieskf, g2o method.
function_01 : lidar only odometry by using incremental ndt method.
function_02 : lidar and imu odometry by using loosely coupled eskf method.
function_03 : imu, gps and wheel_speed odometry by using loosely coupled eskf method. ./bin/run_eskf_imu_gps_wheel
function_04 : imu, gps and wheel_speed odometry by using loosely coupled g2o method.
function_05 : lidar and imu odometry by using tightly coupled ieskf method.
function_06 : offline build map with loop-closing by using imu, lidar and RTK sensor and using g2o method.
完整的点云建图可以看成是一个 RTK、IMU、轮速、激光的综合优化问题.
与在线 SLAM 系统不一样,地图构建系统完全可以工作在离线模式下。离线系统的一大好处
等等。所以,按照离线系统来设计建图框架,会比实时 SLAM 系统更加容易,也可以实现更好的
function_07 : online localization based offline lidar map.
把当前激光扫描数据与加载的离线地图进行匹配,从而获得车辆自身的位置,再与 IMU 等传感器进行滤波器融合得到一个基于卡尔曼滤波器的实时定位方案。
note: split compress command
tar -czv test3.bag | split -b 1000m - test3.tar.gz
cat test3.tar* > test3.tar.gz
tar -xvf test3.tar.gz
step_1: installl docker by command -- sudo apt install
step_2: download lidar_slam.tar from path
step_3: import docker image by command -- docker load -i lidar_slam.tar
step_4: docker run -it -v /home/hongfeng/workspace_18_04/:/workspace_18_04/ -v /tmp/.x11-unix:/tmp/.x11-unix -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -e GDK_SCALE -e GDK_DPI_SCALE --net=host --name lidar_slam lidar_slam:V1.0 /bin/bash
others useful docker command:
docker exec -it lidar_slam bash
docker ps -a
docker start lidar_slam
docker stop lidar_slam
docker rm lidar_slam
docker rmi 8ae5b6462b6d
save container to image :
docker commit : -- docker commit ff3e1af39fd3 lidar_slam:V1.0
docker save -o .tar : -- docker save -o lidar_slam.tar lidar_slam:V1.0
use obs to record mp4 video
ffmpeg -i small.mp4 small.gif
ThinkPad T14 Core i7 8 core, 32G memory