This is a Azure Devops setup note written on 27 June 2024. Focus on create Azure Devops workflow from scratch.
Use Azure DevOps to build and deploy.
Build by self-hosted agent. (You can either purchase a parallel job or you can request a free tier.)
Create and Deploy Orchard CMS to Azure App ServiceÂ
An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
An Azure DevOps organization. Create one for free.
A working Azure App Service app with code hosted on GitHub or Azure Repos.
Visit the https://dev.azure.com/
First time, you have to register one organization. Click Open Azure DevOps.
Fill your info.
Click, Continue
Enter project name and create project
Select Repo on left sidebar
Import https://github.com/kenszeapp/Orchardcore_Demo
Source code import done
Click Project Settings on left-bottom corner, select Agents Pools
Click Add Pool
Create new self-host agent pool
Goto Devops project homepage, for example https://dev.azure.com/Alluget2024
Click the gear icon > Personal access token
New Token
Grant the Read & Manage for Agent Pools and create.
Save the token string, it is used on next step.
Open a terminal in local machine.
Create a new directory (recommended):
mkdir ~/devops/
Go to this new directory:
cd ~/devops/
Add file at ~/devops/azp-agent-linux.dockerfile with follow
FROM ubuntu:22.04
ENV TARGETARCH="linux-x64"
# Also can be "linux-arm", "linux-arm64".
RUN apt update
RUN apt upgrade -y
RUN apt install -y curl git jq libicu70
COPY ./start.sh ./
RUN chmod +x ./start.sh
# Create agent user and set up home directory
RUN useradd -m -d /home/agent agent
RUN chown -R agent:agent /azp /home/agent
USER agent
# Another option is to run the agent as root.
ENTRYPOINT [ "./start.sh" ]
Add file at ~/devops/start.sh with follow
set -e
if [ -z "${AZP_URL}" ]; then
echo 1>&2 "error: missing AZP_URL environment variable"
exit 1
if [ -z "${AZP_TOKEN_FILE}" ]; then
if [ -z "${AZP_TOKEN}" ]; then
echo 1>&2 "error: missing AZP_TOKEN environment variable"
exit 1
echo -n "${AZP_TOKEN}" > "${AZP_TOKEN_FILE}"
if [ -n "${AZP_WORK}" ]; then
mkdir -p "${AZP_WORK}"
cleanup() {
trap "" EXIT
if [ -e ./config.sh ]; then
print_header "Cleanup. Removing Azure Pipelines agent..."
# If the agent has some running jobs, the configuration removal process will fail.
# So, give it some time to finish the job.
while true; do
./config.sh remove --unattended --auth "PAT" --token $(cat "${AZP_TOKEN_FILE}") && break
echo "Retrying in 30 seconds..."
sleep 30
print_header() {
echo -e "\n${lightcyan}$1${nocolor}\n"
# Let the agent ignore the token env variables
print_header "1. Determining matching Azure Pipelines agent..."
if [ -z "${AZP_AGENT_PACKAGE_LATEST_URL}" -o "${AZP_AGENT_PACKAGE_LATEST_URL}" == "null" ]; then
echo 1>&2 "error: could not determine a matching Azure Pipelines agent"
echo 1>&2 "check that account "${AZP_URL}" is correct and the token is valid for that account"
exit 1
print_header "2. Downloading and extracting Azure Pipelines agent..."
curl -LsS "${AZP_AGENT_PACKAGE_LATEST_URL}" | tar -xz & wait $!
source ./env.sh
trap "cleanup; exit 0" EXIT
trap "cleanup; exit 130" INT
trap "cleanup; exit 143" TERM
print_header "3. Configuring Azure Pipelines agent..."
./config.sh --unattended \
--agent "${AZP_AGENT_NAME:-$(hostname)}" \
--url "${AZP_URL}" \
--auth "PAT" \
--token $(cat "${AZP_TOKEN_FILE}") \
--pool "${AZP_POOL:-Default}" \
--work "${AZP_WORK:-_work}" \
--replace \
--acceptTeeEula & wait $!
print_header "4. Running Azure Pipelines agent..."
chmod +x ./run.sh
# To be aware of TERM and INT signals call ./run.sh
# Running it with the --once flag at the end will shut down the agent after the build is executed
./run.sh "$@" & wait $!
Add file at ~/devops/build-agent.env with follow
# Windows .\Dockerfile, Linux ./Dockerfile
docker build --tag "azp-agent:linux" --file ".\Dockerfile" .
docker run --env-file ".\build-agent.env" --name "azp-agent-linux" azp-agent:linux
If success, screen may like this
Now, new Agent Pool is appened.
Select the tab Agents, the On-Perm agent is ready.
Create a staging machine first.
Service connections play a pivotal role by facilitating integration with external services and platforms. For example, integrate external code repository.
- azureSubscription: 'Your devops service connection name'
- appName: 'App service name'
- resourceGroupName: 'your resource group name'
buildConfiguration: 'Release'
- main
- job: buildandtest
name: OnPremAgentPool
- agent.name -equals AgentInDocker
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: 'Restore packages'
command: 'restore'
projects: '**/*.csproj'
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: 'Build project'
command: 'build'
projects: '**/*.csproj'
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: 'dotnet test'
command: 'test'
projects: '**/*.test/*.csproj'
publishTestResults: true
- job: deploystaging
dependsOn: buildandtest
condition: succeeded()
name: OnPremAgentPool
- agent.name -equals AgentInDocker
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
command: 'publish'
publishWebProjects: true
- task: AzureWebApp@1
azureSubscription: 'az-devops-svc-conn'
appType: 'webAppLinux'
appName: 'orchardcore-demo-staging'
deployToSlotOrASE: true
resourceGroupName: 'oc-demo-devops-hk-rg'
slotName: 'production'
package: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/*.zip'
appSettings: '-ASPNETCORE_URLS http://*:8080'
I add a Unit test project with 2 cases one success and one fail. Expected that will stop after the unitl test failure.
After I pushed new branch and created pull request.
Here is the code review screen. Click Approve and Complete.
Then the branch merge into main.
It comes up expected result with one failure and stop proceed.
Next, I found that the pull request will not trigger pipeline by default. It requires add a validation policy.
I modify readme file then push and create pull-request again.
Next, goto Pipeline page. It shows pipeline is just running and trigger by PR automated.
Click the pipeline, it has to approve a "pre-approval" what I try to add one more approval flow.
That why I used the self-hosted agent.
##[error]Error: Unable to locate executable file: 'dotnet'. Please verify either the file path exists or the file can be found within a directory specified by the PATH environment variable. Also check the file mode to verify the file is executable. ##[error]Packages failed to restore
Seem SDK has not install on Agent container.
Go Azure portal > App Service > Log stream
ASPNETCORE_URLS : http://*:8080 see note for .Net 8
Build https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/paths/build-applications-with-azure-devops/
Release https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/deploy-docker/1-introduction
Devops process flow https://www.lucidchart.com/blog/devops-process-flow
Run self-hosted CI/CD agents on Azure Kubernetes Service - Part 4 - Azure DevOps
Good reference for self hosted agent https://azureops.org/articles/azure-devops-self-hosted-agent/