An HTTP service for storing versioned configuration data in a Git repository
gconf treats all files in the given Git repository as plaintext configuration files. Each top-level directory in the repository represents a separate project. Files are read from master/HEAD of the repository. The server updates the files periodically according to a configurable delay.
TODO(#1): Each project may specify an optional HTTP endpoint for validating configuration changes. If a change is invalid, gconf does not update its current snapshot.
GET /projects
GET /file/:project/:filename
These are the contents of project-1/data.txt
# Serve configs from Refresh every 5 min.
gconf -repo-owner=owner -repo-name=repo -t=300
-port int
The port to listen on (default 8080)
-repo-name string
The name of the Git repository
-repo-owner string
The name of the Git repository owner
-t int
The number of seconds to wait between config updates