Just random scripts that I use that might be useful to others.
Keyboard Layout switcher written in Excel. Used it to bypass IT permissions to set my keyboard layout to Dvorak. It write to the layout to the registry so that the next time you log in the layout should be the default.
You'll have to know layout the code you want though (0010409 for Dvorak which is what I use). See here and here for more details.
When opened in Excel, press Alt+F8 and run the ShowWin macro.
Scans the list of audio files in a directory (source_dir) it's sub dirs and moves the files to dest_dir/artistname if dest_dir/artistname exists for all files that have artistname as their artist. If there are 10 or more files by the same artist in source_dir then dest_dir/artistname is created.
Usage: python movemp3.py source_dir dest_dir