Fetches SCeLe assignments and adds them to your Google Tasks.
- You need to setup your own OAuth authentication using Google Cloud. Not planning to host this at the moment.
- Only adds tasks to the first task list on your Google Tasks.
- Only gets current month's tasks from SCeLe.
- Codebase is very messy and slow, will try to refactor later.
(re: Not gonna bother explaining how to do these things)
- You have set up the OAuth2 credentials and enabled the Google Tasks API on Google Cloud.
- You have downloaded the OAuth client json and saved it as
- Since this will interact with your Google account, please make sure you set up your OAuth correctly and are comfortable with whatever the code here is doing.
- Do not request to SCeLe too frequently (I think ~15-30 minutes is fine).
"username": "",
"password": "",
"excluded_courses": [
// enter course id to ignore
"excluded_keywords": [
// enter keywords to ignore (e.g. "Attendance", "Feedback")
git clone --depth 1 [email protected]:kawijayaa/scele_gcal
docker-compose up --build
- Again, I will assume you have done all the steps above.
- If you are running this for the first time, it will prompt you to open a link to authenticate yourself using Google. Open the link on your browser
- Login using the Google account you want your tasks to be in.
- Copy the
parameter after being redirected. The link usually looks like thishttp://localhost/?state=state-token&code=<YOUR-CODE-HERE-COPY-THIS-PART>&scope=....
- ???
- Profit!