A curated list of various semantic web and linked data resources.
- XHTML+RDFa 1.1 - Third Edition
- RDFa Lite 1.1 - Second Edition
- RDFa Lite 1.1 - Second Edition
- HTML+RDFa 1.1 - Second Edition
- SPARQL 1.1 Overview
- SPARQL 1.1 Query Language
- SPARQL 1.1 Update
- SPARQL 1.1 Service Description
- SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query
- SPARQL 1.1 Query Results JSON Format
- SPARQL 1.1 Query Results CSV and TSV Formats
- SPARQL 1.1 Query Results XML Format (Second Edition)
- SPARQL 1.1 Entailment Regimes
- SPARQL 1.1 Protocol
- SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol
- RDF/XML Syntax Specification
- RDF 1.1 TRIG
- json-ld
- Turtle v1.1
- n-triples
- n-quads
- trix
- trig
- manchester
- manchester-syntax-owl
- aREF
- Linked Data Platform 1.0 Primer
- Linked Data Platform Best Practices and Guidelines
- Linked Data Platform 1.0
- Linked Data Platform 1.0 Test Cases
$ - Proprietary OS - OpenSource F - Free
- Stardog $/F
- Virtuoso $/OS
- Blazegraph $/OS
- GraphDB $/F
- Oracle $
- Allegrograph $/F
- marklogic-semantic $
- Jena TDB OS
- BrightstarDB OS - A native RDF database for the .NET platform written in C#.
- CM-Well OS
- Apache Rya OS
- 4Store OS
- Mulgara OS
- Parliament OS
- wallix/triplestore OS - Nifty library written in Go-Lang.
- Halyard OS
- hbase-rdf OS
- Anzograph
- CumulusRDF
- Strabon
- Sempala
- TriplePlace a light weight and flexible Triple Store for Android
- Node-Quadstore
- TripleRush OS
- Corese OS
- rdf3x OS
- gh-rdf3x OS
- Qamel RDF4J ported to Andriod
- dipLODocus
- [SW-Store]
- [Yars2]
- [Shard]
- [Hexastore]
- [BitMat]
- CSPARQL-engine
- Triplewave
- morph-streams
- Katts
- Strider
- cqels
- morph sparql-stream sensor queries
- Semagrow
- CostFed
- SPARQLFederator
- rdffederator
- DREAM DREAM - Distributed RDF Engine with Adaptive Query Planner and Minimal Communication
- Avalanche
- FedX
- anapsid An adaptive query processing engine for SPARQL endpoints.
ARCHIVE - inactive projects or old academic projects that may lack soruce code
- sparqlab Lab for exercising SPARQL
- SNORQL a ajaxy front-end for exploring triple stores
- d3sparql JavaScript library for executing SPARQL query and transforming resulted JSON for visualization in D3.js
- jdbc4sparql A JDBC driver that takes data from SPARQL endpoints or RDF graphs
- sparql2xquery SPARQL to XQuery Translator for use with MarkLogic Semantic Toolkit
- SparqlAnalytics
- decentsparql
- sparqled
- sparql-proxy
- YASGUI Yet Another Sparql GUI
- YASGUI.legacy
- pubby A Linked Data frontend for SPARQL endpoints
- fluent-sparql
- FlintSparqlEditor
- reactive-sparql
- cysparql CySparql is a python wrapper over the excellent rasqal RDF library for parsing SPARQL queries
- sparql-transformer
- spanqit A Java-based SPARQL query generator
- squebi Squebi is a SPARQL editor and SPARQL result visualizer with some nice features:
- zeppelin-sparql Zeppelin sparql interpreter
- Sparql-cli A command line API for SPARQL
- snap-sparql-query
- asqc A SPARQL query client (pronounced "ask")
- warp Warp - an LDP file manager
- Marmotta - Apache linked data platform implementation
- Elda - Linked data platform from Epimorphics
- LDP4j
- gold Linked Data server for Go
- CarbonLDP
- trellis
- qb4olap-tools
- OpenCube-Expander
- qb4olap
- QB4ST: RDF Data Cube extensions for spatio-temporal components
- The RDF Data Cube Vocabulary
- geometry2rdf
- TripleGeo TripleGeo utility for converting geospatial data into triples
- COW - CSV On the Web (CSVW) converter
- CSV2RDF - CSV to RDF mapper
- csv2rdf
- csv2rdf4lod-automation
- tarql-component
- tarql
- Empire
- Pinto
- Som(m)er
- jennabean
- Alibaba
- rdfbeans
- surfrdf SuRF: a python Object RDF Mapper (ORM)
- jtriple A Java object model binding for RDF.
- d2rq Database to RDF mapping engine and SPARQL server
- Sparqlify https://github.com/AKSW/Sparqlify-Extensions
- Sparqlify-Extendsions
- quetzal SPARQL to SQL translation engine for multiple backends, such as DB2, PostgreSQL and Apache Spark.
- R2RML-Parser - An R2RML implementation that can export relational database contents as RDF graphs
- Morph-RDB - An R2RML processor
- MusicBrainz-R2RML - R2RML mappings for the MusicBrainz schema
- ontop Ontop is a platform to query relational databases as Virtual RDF Graphs using SPARQL. It's fast and is packed with features.
- db2triples Antidot implementations of R2RML and Direct Mapping specifications
- R2RML-api
- R2RML-kit
- Juma Juma, jigsaw puzzles for representing mapping, is a method that applies the block metaphor to mapping languages.
- pyrdb2rdf A Python library for RDB2RDF Direct Mapping and R2RML.
- wgs
- skos
- skos-xl
- pim
- vcard
- foaf
- uberon
- MMOntologies
- juso-ontology
- obo-relations
- orderedlistonto
- evidenceontology
- bevon Beverage ontology
- cyber-ontology
- doap
- void
- time
- org
- skos SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System Reference
- skos-xl SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System eXtension for Labels
- qb
- QB4ST: RDF Data Cube extensions for spatio-temporal components
- Pellet
- openllet
- FaCT++
- HermiT
- RacerPro
- Manchester List of Reasoners
- elephant-reasoner
- ruby-rdf/rdf-reasoner
- Berlin SPARQL Benchmark (BSBM)
- Lehigh University Benchmark (LUBM)
- https://github.com/dice-group/triplestore-benchmarks
- https://www.w3.org/wiki/RdfStoreBenchmarking
- Hobbit HOBBIT: Holistic Benchmarking of Big Linked Data
- SP2Bench
- The Smart Data Analytics (SDA) research group, Institute for Computer Science at the University of Bonn, the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems (IAIS) and the Institute for Applied Computer Science Leipzig.
- Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW) The Research Group Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW) is hosted by the Chair of Business Information Systems (BIS) of the Institute of Computer Science (IfI) / University of Leipzig as well as the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI).
- University of Zurich Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group
- WESO WESO is a research group at the University of Oviedo founded in 2004
- Max Planck Institute for Informatics Department D5 of the Max Planck Institute for Informatics
- DICE: Data Science Group Universität Paderborn
- Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW) The Research Group Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW) is hosted by the Chair of Business Information Systems (BIS) of the Institute of Computer Science (IfI) / University of Leipzig as well as the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI).
- Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) The Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) is based at the Computer Science School at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group (KRR) research group is based at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)
- RdfLib
- RdfAlchemy
- Fuxi
- Django-rdf
- Djubby
- Redland
- SuRF
- sparta
- rdftools Simple collection of python RDF tools
- librdf Redland librdf RDF API and triple stores
- grafter - Linked Data & RDF Manufacturing Tools in Clojure
- kr Clojure API for RDF and SPARQL - provides consistent access to APIs including Jena and Sesame
- clj-plaza Clojure rdf framework
- seabass A library for working with RDF with Jena in Clojure
- banana-rdf A library for RDF, SPARQL and Linked Data technologies in Scala.
- sparql.vim SPARQL syntax highlighting
- vim-owl-tools
- Visual SPARQL Builder
- d3-sparql
- SPARQLFilterFlow
- VOWL - Visual Notation for OWL Ontologies
- gephi-semantic-web-import
- visualRDF
- The RDF Data Cube Vocabulary
- OpenCube Toolkit
- CubeViz
- QB4ST: RDF Data Cube extensions for spatio-temporal components
- anthelion A plugin for Apache Nutch to crawl semantic annotations within HTML pages
- trinity An application development platform for Microsoft .NET and Mono. It allows to easily build Linked Data and Semantic Web applications based on RDF
- r43ples - Revision Management for the Semantic Web
- Wings - A workflow system
- LDIF - Linked Data Integration Framework
- LinkedPipes-ETL - Linked Data ETL pipeline
- swrlapi - The SWRLAPI is a Java API for working with the OWL-based SWRL rule and SQWRL query languages. It includes graphical tools for editing and executing rules and queries.
- RDFUnit - RDFUnit is implemented on top of the Test-Driven Data Validation Ontology and designed to read and produce RDF that complies to that ontology only.
- IGUANA - IGUANA is a benchmark execution framework for triple stores
- antlr-sparql-grammar
- xwiki xwiki related code for WebID
- rdfdot Tools for drawing graphs from RDF files with GraphViz
- anthelion Anthelion is a plugin for Apache Nutch to crawl semantic annotations within HTML pages
- solid-spec
- rww-play An implementation in Play of a number of tools to build a Read-Write-Web server using Play2.x and akka
- sesame-spring Spring integration for OpenRDF/Sesame
- SolRDF An RDF plugin for Solr
- rdf-toolkit RDF Serializer, to be used in a git commit-hook to force automatic correct rewrite of every OWL ontology
- prissma-studio PRISSMA Studio: a web application to create Prisms, context-aware presentation metadata for Linked Data visualization.
- fox-ui
- sesame-vocab-builder Sesame Vocab Builder provides a command line tool that allows to create constants for RDF primitives for a given namespace out of RDF ontology files.
- Hydra
- HydraConsole
- HydraBundle
- rdfagents Real-time messaging for the Semantic Web
- gm-sparql Graph Mining Using SPARQL
- cp-common-utils Collection of utilty classes from Clark & Parsia
- SARQ Free Text Indexing for SPARQL using a remote Solr server
- EARQ EARQ is a combination of ARQ and ElasticSearch
- Stardog-Connection-Pool-API
- webid-demo
- sparks
- foafssl-java
- webid-spec
- tdbloader3
- jena-joseki
- node-webid
- stardog-ubuntu-scripts
- qonsole A simple console for running SPARQL queries and displaying results
- Git2PROV Unleash the potential of Git in the new W3C standard for provenance.
- iqvoc
- hydra-java
- IntervalServer
- docker-blazegraph
- blazegraph-samples
- docker-blazegraph
- blazegraph-service
- jena-grande Jena Grande is a collection of utilities, experiments and examples on how to use MapReduce, Pig, HBase or Giraph to process data in RDF format.
- mrlin MapReduce processing of Linked Data
- TabLinker Supervised Excel/CSV to RDF Converter
- ntcat Command line tool for concatenating NTriples documents
- infovore RDF-Centric Map/Reduce Framework and Freebase data conversion tool
- rdf3x_path RDF3X with path queries
- TripleChecker
- jqudt Java library for working with the QUDT ontology and data using it.
- owl2vcs owl2vcs is a set of tools designed to facilitate version control of OWL 2 ontologies using version control systems.
- dowl Generate docs for RDF/OWL Schema
- sesametools
- SemanticNationalMap
- JenaSecurity
- ripple Semantic Web scripting language
- specgen
- schema-org-rdf
- cassa
- graphity-browser
- pellet
- keygenapp
- owlapitools
- LD-FusionTool
- docker-blazegraph
- fox-ui
- prefix.cc
- LSD-Dimensions
- prissma
- rdf-pipeline
- fox-java
- fox-py
- rdfpatch
- TurtleValidator
- rdflib
- signal-collect-torque
- singal-collect
- Duke
- redland-bindings
- mediation
- owl-functional-syntax-axiom-parser
- SemanticPingback
- vim-sparql
- tdbloader4
- json-ld-macros
- semweb.vim
- tac Triple access control
- dbpedia-extension
- commons-rdf
- tawny-owl Build OWL Ontologies in a Programmatic Environment
- grefine-rdf-extension
- Imperium Imperium is a plugin for the Play! framework similar to the existing JPA plugin that allows the use of Empire seamlessly in a Play! based application.
- vocab-transit
- sparql4idea SPARQL language plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
- visu
- LD-FusionTool
- commons-rdf
- TurtleSyntaxPlugin
- raptor
- rasqal
- morph-web
- xodx
- morph-starter
- Widoco
- sesametools
- jvmrdftools
- ontmalizer
- levelgraph-jsonld
- owlapi The OWL API is a Java API for creating, manipulating and serialising OWL Ontologies.
- LODGrefine
- stardog.js
- stardog-groovy
- HydraClient
- cp-openrdf-utils Utility classes for working with the OpenRdf API.
- linked-csv A souped-up CSV-based data format
- ODCS The tool uses data processing pipelines for obtaining, processing, and storing RDF data.
- balloon A tool-suite for Linked Data consumption. balloon aims in offering public services and tools to take advantage of the semantic web with less effort. The basic motivation is to establish a foundation for Linked Data as a Service (LDaaS).
- Processor Generic Linked Data processor and server. Apache License.
- ontodia Ontodia data diagraming library
- grlc Translates public SPARQL queries into Linked Data APIs automatically
- basil
- lodmill
- NoSPA-RDF-Data-Cube-Validator
- module-extractor a Java-based module extractor for OWL ontologies
- etalis
- iRap
- ssso
- dso
- turtle-in-html
- lodspeakr
- linked-csv-browser
- OntoVerbal OntoVerbal is a Protege 4.2 plugin that generates natural language descriptions for classes for an ontology written in OWL
- semargl Highly performant, lightweight framework for linked data processing. Supports RDFa, JSON-LD, RDF/XML and plain text formats, runs on Android and GAE, provides integration with Jena, Sesame and Clerezza.
- shi3ld-http Shi3ld for HTTP: Access control for HTTP operations on Linked Data
- luposdate
- wordnet-lemon-to-w3c
- hyrise
- owlconvert Simple OWL format converter based on OWLAPI
- rabel Program for reading and writing linked data in various formats
- SANSA SANSA RDF is a library to read RDF files into Spark or Flink
- soarql-dl-api A query engine for SPARQL-DL
- graph-pattern-learner
- schema_salad
- RDFConvert RDFConvert is a simple command-line tool for converting RDF file betweeen different syntax formats
- RightField RightField is an open-source tool for adding ontology term selection to Excel spreadsheets.
- csvw-template document the semantics of your csv file
- babel A library for skolemising (or canonicalising) blank node labels in RDF graphs.
- jsonld-java JSON-LD implementation for Java