This is a sample of sentiment analisys for romanian and english language built up on tensorflow and tflearn
- tensorflow 1.8
- tflearn 0.3.2
- numpy 1.14.3
- python 3.6.4
After 10 epochs for romanian dataset :
Training Step: 5360 | total loss: 0.05475 | time: 51.239s
| Adam | epoch: 010 | loss: 0.05475 - acc: 0.9881 | val_loss: 0.53884 - val_acc: 0.8536 -- iter: 17144/17144
After 10 epochs for english dataset :
Training Step: 13620 | total loss: 0.05636 | time: 142.459s
| Adam | epoch: 010 | loss: 0.05636 - acc: 0.9940 | val_loss: 0.18359 - val_acc: 0.9396 -- iter: 43561/43561
Pass en
for English or ro
for Romanian as arg to command line followed by text
$ python en "Food is awesome"
$ python ro "Mancarea este proasta"
Pass en
for English or ro
for Romanian as arg to command line
$ python en
Positive dataset is more numerous than the negative one. This may cause a drop in accuracy.
Dataset of reviews from yelp and imdb reviews
- neg: 10090
- pos: 33532
- total: 43561
- neg: 10228
- pos: 33394
- total: 43622
Dataset of products and movies reviews
- neg: 6370
- pos: 10774
- total: 17144
- neg: 4427
- pos: 5840
- total: 10267