- Motivation
- Tools Used
- How to use it
- reference /credit
- Contact info
- Licence
While i was learning the deep learning , i came across the topic DEEP REINFORCEMENT LEARNING
.From a begineer Perceptive it was tough to understand it , so i tried this neat model
powered flappy bird , where we didnot need to know about some complex model just the concept. It was supposed to give some greed to my brain and let it know what we can made using Deep RL.
1. Python
2. Neat Package
3. Pygame
4. Numpy
5. MatplotLib
The Strucute of the project is :-
│ ├───audio
│ └───icon
- step 1 - Install the required software that are described in tools Used.
- step 2 - Open the run.py file in your editor and run it or just use the Terminal.
- step 3 - Analyze how it is working
- Tech_with_tim (youtube)
- Neat Model