Fossalized Lab Manual for CS.
This repository is a collection programs ported to Free and Open Source Software which can also serve as a manual for CSE students studying under VTU and Autonomous institutions.
An initiative by Free Software Movement Karnataka, this project is a part of Doc-a-thon 2013.
#Structure of the Repo
- This repository consists of Autonomous and VTU manuals.
- Within each of these folders consists of different semesters.
- Within each semesters has different lab subjects present.
- Within each Subjects, it should consists of markdown file called .This file consists of all the lists of the programs present in that subject and link to the program present in that directory for ease of use and navigation.
- Fork it
- Please check the appropriate University/Semester/Subject. If the Subject is not present then add that particular folder in that semester.
- Update the file present in that subject folder, if not present please add it.
- Check the file if the program is being added or not. It can be checked by seeing whether their is link to the program file in the directory or not.
- Create new Pull Request.