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Matej edited this page Jul 16, 2024 · 6 revisions

Spying allows to see messages, commands, private messages, books, renamed items and more from other players on your entire network. Talking about privacy rights!

If you miss spying while you're offline, don't worry, you can always view what happened in game using "/chc log", see Logs.


Spying Sections

You can control where you want spying enabled by configuring Apply_On in Spy section of settings. We can spy:

  • chat
  • commands (with optional whitelist or blacklist)
  • private messages
  • mails
  • signs
  • books
  • items renamed on anvil

Toggle Spying

Give yourself "chatcontrol.command.spy" permission and type "/spy on" or use "/spy menu" to perform the same action.

Spy Commands

/spy on

Enable all spying.

/spy off

Disable spying everything.

/spy status

Tells if a player is spying, what he is spying or not.

/spy menu

Enable or disable spying by clicking buttons frantically.

/spy toggle

Enable or disable only spying certain parts of plugin such as mails, or certain chat channels, for player.

Never Be Spied On

Give yourself "chatcontrol.bypass.spy" and your actions will never be spied on.

Automatically Toggle Spying

Give staff "chatcontrol.spy.autoenable" permission to automatically enable spying for them on join.

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